Chapter Two

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"Hello? Are you walking with me or not?" Grace pokes her head in my room and rolls her eyes. 

I glance at the alarm clock that blinks 7:40. "Shit." I woke up late...again.

"Just go on without me. I'm going to be late to first period."

"Okay, if you say so." Grace shuts my door as she exits my room. 

I run a hand through my hair and decide to skip a shower to save time. I look in the mirror that leans on my dresser and notice the dark circles that hang below my eyes. I didn't sleep well last night. Around one o'clock, I heard mom and dad arguing in hushed whispers. You'd probably expect that, but it's actually quite unusual for them to argue. They've developed this weird no communication, "I don't speak to you, you don't speak to me" kind of thing. So, of course I got out of bed and crept into the hallway until I could make out some of what they were saying. Unfortunately, I could only hear bits and pieces of what my dad was telling my mom.

"Listen...something's happened...take the kids...Aunt Deb..." Dad says quickly and quietly. 

"I will not let...are my kids...happen to them..." Mom's broken sobs conceals the rest of the conversation.

I haven't heard Aunt Deb's name mentioned in years. She is our dad's sister who lives in the middle of nowhere about two hours outside of Dallas. She's in her early 50's and already has a full head of grey hair. She has these piercing ice blue eyes, and her wardrobe is bought entirely from thrift stores. Mom hasn't liked her since the problems with my dad arose but never made trouble. I try to shake off these thoughts while brushing my teeth before I run out the door to school. I just hope today goes well. 

By the time I arrive at school, I've completely missed my history class. Nothing I can't read in a book. 

On the way to second period biology, a hand appears from nowhere and grabs my arm, pulling me into a nearby closet. I open my mouth to let out a scream before I realize who it is.

"Uh, hey. How's it going Mr. Davis?" I say awkwardly. 

Mr. Davis pulls a string and a light illuminates the tiny room, and I realize we are in the janitor's territory. That would explain the combined smell of bleach and trash. 

Sweat lines Mr. Davis' forehead and dark stains ring around his armpits.

"No time for pleasantries." He shuts the door behind him. 

"Listen. You know Olivia in your next class? I need you to promise me something." He looks nervous and rushed. 

"Uh, yeah. Sure. What is it?" I fan my shirt away from my chest to alleviate myself from the heat. I don't do well in tight spaces, and suddenly this cramped closet is making me feel claustrophobic. 

"Don't let her out of your sight today. Ever. Stay with her. I don't care how confused or scared you might be, you need to stay right behind her." He stares at me, waiting for a promise.

"I'm not sure I understand what you're asking, sir. What's going on?" I smooth my shirt down and stand straight.

"Stay with her. It's that simple. Okay? And don't forget where we had this conversation."

"In a janitor's closet? Why does that even matter?" I'm starting to feel frustrated, especially since I will be running late to biology. 

"It will later when you understand. Also, Grace will be waiting for you outside your classroom. I don't have any more time to explain. I know you'll do just fine. Get to class."

"But, sir, how will I know when to do any of this? I don't even know what you're talking about!" 

I hear the warning bell reminding everyone that class starts in one minute and Mr. Davis looks at his watch and back at me.

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