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"Bertram. Come on Bertram!" Alexis shouts as she is playing baseball with the boys as they are shouting to each other while playing.

"Come on Benny! Hit a homer!" Ham shouts as he is playing the catcher.

"Who's that?" Alexis asks as she sees a new boy walking by the bushes before Benny hits the ball causing it to hit the boy and make him fall causing the others except for Alexis and Benny to laugh.

"Hurry! Throw the ball back!" Squints shouts.

"Come on guys. Give the kid a chance." Alexis says in an irritated tone at the boys laughing cause some to quickly hush having known not to make her mad. The boy then attempts to throw the ball back only to fail in throwing it and cause the other boys to laugh harder.

"Did you see that hand?" Kenny asks as he laughs.

"Oh real mature. All of you. Hey kid wait!" Alexis shouts as the boy runs off.

"Leave him be Alexis. I would be mortified if I was him." Bertram says as Alexis looks at him unamused.

"Well I wouldn't blame him with a group of boys laughing at me too. You guys know better that that." Alexis says angrily.

"Come on. Let's get back to the game." Kenny says as the group goes back to playing.


"Benny who do you think that kid was?" Alexis asks as she is later walking down the sidewalk with Benny.

"Not sure. Felt sorry for him though." Benny says as Alexis nods.

"No kidding. I know the others are hard to earn respect from but still that was mean laughing at the poor kid like that." Alexis says.

"Yeah well you know how they are. Took them a while to get used to you too." Benny says.

"I guess. Still think they shouldn't of laughed at him." Alexis says.

"It is what it is. Anyways I'll see you tomorrow Alexis." Benny says as he and Alexis stop outside of Alexis's house.

"See you Benny." Alexis says before she goes inside her house.


"Listen. Ready? Check this out. I'm the Great Bambino." Ham says as he is muffled due to holding a gum pack in his mouth as the group is waiting by a store for Benny to arrive.

"What?" The group asks in union.

"I'm the Great Bambino." Ham says still sounding muffled.

"Still can't understand you dude." Alexis says.

"I'm the Great Bambino." Ham says as he takes the pack of gum out.

"Oh!" The group says in union as Benny comes up behind Ham with the kid from yesterday.

"Who's that?" The kid asks receiving disbelieving looks from the others.

"What?" Ham asks annoyedly.

"What did he say?" Yeah-Yeah asks.

"What were you born in a barn man?" Bertram asks.

"Yeah what planet are you from?" Yeah-Yeah asks.

"You heard of the Sultan of Swat?" Squints asks.

"The Titan of Terror?" Kenny asks.

"The Colossus of Clout?" Timmy asks.

"The Colossus of Clout!" Tommy says.

"The King of Crash man." Benny says as the boy looks at him.

"Oh yeah the Great Bambino. Of course. I thought you said the Great Bambi." The boy says as Alexis puts her fingers on her temples knowing that was not a good thing to say.

His Girl The Sandlot Benny X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now