Benny VS The Beast

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"Hey I got it! Why don't we just go over and on the door and ask Mr. Mertle if he can get it for us?" Scott asks as the group is in the treehouse.

"Are you out of your mind? Mr. Mertle's the meanest old man that ever lived. He's the one who made The Beast eat that kid." Squints says.

"It's not an option Smalls." Benny says.

"Alexis you're a wolfshifter. Can't you just hop the fence and get the ball?" Scott asks as Alexis chuckles slightly.

"Yeah not happening. I be brave but I ain't foolish. About the only way I'd ever hop that fence ready to fight that dog is if it was to protect one of you. Not to retrieve a ball." Alexis says.

"Let's just look out the window." Squints says.

"Good idea." Kenny says as everyone looks down out the window.

"He's daring us." Timmy says.

"We're on his territory now." Ham says.

"Anybody got any ideas?" Alexis asks.


"When I said bright ideas this isn't what I had in mind." Alexis says as she is up in treehouse while the boys are below trying to get the ball with a broomstick.

"Just tell us which way to go." Ham says as Alexis sighs in annoyance.

"Farther. A little more. Okay now over a bit. Too far. Go back." Alexis says as she is watching the broomstick and the ball on the other side of the fence.

"Make up your mind will you?" Squints asks as Alexis looks down at him.

"Oh I'm sorry. Would one of you rather come up here and do this?" Alexis asks.

"Nope." The boys says.

"Okay then. Hush. Stop! Right there." Alexis says.

"Did we get it?" Ham asks.

"Yeah. Pull it back." Alexis says as the boys begin to pull the ball towards them only for the Beast to grab the broomstick and destroy one end of it before then trying it later with a pot and stick only to get the same result.

"I we've seriously underestimated The Beast." Timmy says.

"Obviously we're dealing with a superior intelligence." Squints says.


"Okay guys almost ready. We're connecting power now." Bertram says as he, Alexis, and Scott are inside the treehouse with three vacuums while the others are outside with the suction pole.

"Power connected. Okay we're ready." Alexis says as she plugs in the cords.

"Prepare to initiate retrieval suction number one." Bertram says as he then turns on the first vacuum as the others are trying to get the ball.

"Fire number two." Scott says as he turns on the second vacuum before Alexis turns on the third.

"Squints what's going on down there?" Alexis asks as she looks out the window at Squints hearing noises.

"The pipe... it's pinched shut." Squints says.

"That's not good." Alexis says as she pulls her head back in the window.

"Turn it off man!" Bertram says as he looks at Scott.

"I can't! They're out!" Scott says as the vacuums are shorting out.

"Guys the vacs are clogged. I don't know about you but I'm getting the heck outta here." Bertram says as he quickly leaves the treehouse causing everyone to scatter.

"Abandon treehouse!" Alexis shouts as she shifts to wolf form and jumps down as everyone scatters away from the treehouse as the vacuums blow up. Timmy then comes over covered in dust showing he didn't get out in time.

"We've been going about this all wrong. I blame myself. We need total surprise. An attack. The Beast will never see it coming." Timmy says as the group continue to try to get the ball as their attempts continue to fail.


"We're gonna get this time. We gotta get it." Alexis says as the group is trying another attempt to get the ball this time with a launcher while some are waiting to catch the ball.

"Aah! Fire, fire, fire!" Squints shouts as he runs away from the fence before the ball is launched towards the group.

"I got it! I got it! I got it!" Benny shouts before the Beast then catches the ball.


"We can't let him do this man." Kenny says as the group follows Benny to the sandlot the next day after Benny telling them what he is gonna do.

"Benny wait. It's okay. It was my fault. You don't have to do this." Scott says as he goes over to Benny who is putting on some special running shoes.

"Yeah. Come on Benny man. You don't have to do it. it." Squints says.

"Benny this is way too dangerous. Don't do it." Alexis says as she and the others continually try to talk Benny out of it with no luck.

"I gotta do this." Benny says persistently as Alexis sighs.

"Just be careful." Alexis says as Benny smiles at her before then hopping the fence. The group then wait a bit before Benny hops back over the fence with the ball.

"Oh shit!" Benny shouts as he sees the Beast jump the fence and takes off running with the Beast right after him.

"Come on! What are we waiting for? Let's get him!" Scott shouts as the group runs after Benny and the dog.


"Look out! Look out! Look out! Sandlot, sandlot, sandlot! Sandlot!" Benny shouts as he is running with the dog after him as the others stop.

"Let's go! This way! Sandlot! Shortcut you guys! Let's go!" Squints shouts as the group runs back towards the sandlot.


"Where is he? Does anybody see him?" Alexis asks as the group gets to the sandlot and doesn't see Benny.

"I don't see him." Squints says.

"There he is!" Scott shouts as Benny comes running with the dog behind him before Benny jumps the fence before the dog breaks through it.

"Look out!" Benny shouts as he moves out of the way along with the others as the fence then falls. As the dust clears the group then sees the dog whining as it is trapped under the fence.

"Oh man." Kenny says as Scott goes over to the dog.

"Come on guys. Help me! Please! Help me please! He's hurt! Come on. I can't lift it." Scott says as he tries to get the dog loose.

"Alexis where are you going?" Bertram asks as Alexis begins to walk over to Scott.

"Guys he's right. The dog is hurt. We need to get it out." Alexis says as she looks at the others who give hesitant looks.

"Are you out of your minds?" Squints asks.

"Maybe but at least Smalls and I have enough humanity in us to help an injured animal. Just like me that dog may act or seem dangerous but it doesn't change the fact he may seriously be injured and needs help. I can't walk away with the guilt of not helping a hurt animal even if the rest of you can. Now either help or get out of our way." Alexis says sternly as she shifts to wolf form and begins trying to help lift the fence off the dog before she and Scott are joined by the others as they reluctantly help get the dog loose. Once the dog is loose the dog then stands inches away from Scott's face causing Alexis to growl defensively before the dog then licks his face and walks off. The group then follows the dog as it digs in the dirt revealing many baseballs.

"Wow!" The group says.

"Now we can play forever." Benny says.

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