Next Day

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"Come on Denunez." Ham says as the group is playing the next day with Ham up to bat causing others to laugh as he poses.

"Yeah okay. Yes I see it. Yes." Benny says as he is playing catcher as Kenny throws to ball to Ham and he misses it.

"You call that pitching? This is baseball not tennis." Ham says annoyedly as others laugh.

"Give him a racket." Squints shouts.

"Give me something to hit." Ham shouts as the boys continue to taunt him.

"All right Ham. This is my heater. I dare you to hit it." Kenny says as he then throws the ball to ham only for Ham to hit it over the fence.

"Really Ham!?" Alexis asks annoyedly as ham begins running to the bases.

"That's how you do it Smalls." Ham says while running.

"Ham you idiot. Now we can't play no more." Benny says annoyedly.

"Great you idiot!" Bertram shouts as the other boys hit Ham with their gloves.

"He hit me with the heater. Low and outside. Just like I like it. 1932 called shot World Series by The Babe. Called shot by the Babe." Ham says as the others chase him and hit him.

"No!" Squints shouts as everyone then sees Scott starting to climb the fence.

"No!" Alexis and the boys shout as they run over and pull Scott away from the fence despite his protests

"Are you out of your mind Smalls?" Alexis asks as Scott looks at them dumbfounded.

"Holy crap you could've been killed." Squints says as the group pants slightly.

"Yeah, yeah truly. What are you doing?" Yeah-Yeah asks.

"You guys were leaving. So I just thought I'd hop the fence-" Scott then gets cut off by Squints.

"If you were thinking you wouldn't have thought that." Squints says.

"You can't go back there." Bertram says.

"Then how do we get the ball back?" Scott asks.

"We don't. That ball is gone." Alexis says as Scott looks at her.

"Game's over man. We'll just get another ball tomorrow." Benny says as the group goes to leave.

"Why can't we get that one?" Scott asks as everyone looks at him.

"The Beast." Everyone says in union.

"What is that?" Scott asks curiously.

"Smalls listen to me. Go to that fence... real slow and be quiet." Benny says.

"But... l-I think..." Scott then gets cut off by Benny.

"No, no, no. Just go and peek that hole." Benny says.

"Smalls just do as he says and be quiet." Alexis says as Scott then goes over after the others insist only to immediately come running back fearfully.

"Something got the ball. W-What was that thing?" Scott asks fearfully as everyone looks at him before at each other.

"Camp out." Everyone says in union.


"Hey guys. Sorry I'm late. My mom made me put on my jacket and then she made me do the dishes." Scott says as he arrives at the tree house causing the others to laugh at his reason for being late.

"Your poor mommy made you do the big bad dishes." Bertram says as he and the others laugh.

"Hey you want a s'more?" Ham asks as Scott looks at him.

"Some more what?" Scott asks.

"No, no. You want a s'more?" Ham asks.

"I haven't had anything yet so how can I have some more of nothing?" Scott asks as Ham looks at him annoyed.

"You're killing me smalls." Ham says as he then shows Scott how to make a s'more.

"Ooh I'll take one Ham if you don't care." Alexis says.

"Course not." Ham says as he makes Alexis a s'more and hands it to her.

"What is it with you girls and sweets?" Kenny asks.

"Same with you boys choosing to not listen to common sense sometimes." Alexis says bluntly.

"Touche but still though. You are part wolf so shouldn't you avoid chocolate stuff?" Bertram asks as Alexis smacks him at just revealing she is a wolf.

"What do you mean she's part wolf?" Scott asks as Alexis sighs before putting her s'more down.

"Nice Bertram. Look kid don't freak okay? I don't bite. But that don't mean I won't occasionally smack and or hit you. But to answer your question Bertram I am still human. So I can eat normally." Alexis says as she shifts to wolf form causing Scott to look at her uneasily before she smacks Bertram with her tail.

"Okay okay. Point taken." Bertram says as Alexis shifts back to human form.

"Um how long have you guys known this about her?" Scott asks nervously.

"A month after she met us. Don't worry. It freaked us out at first too but Alexis is still a pretty great friend though. She won't hurt you. She's too sweet to hurt anyone." Benny says as Alexis blushes slightly.

"Okay. Quiet you guys. It just went to bed." Squints says as he is sitting by a window.

"What just went to bed?" Scott asks as everyone shushes him.

"The Beast." Alexis and the boys say as they shush Scott.

"Now quiet. The legend of The Beast goes back a long time... before any of us could even pick up a baseball. Back to a place called Mertle's Acres. It all about.. mmm.. 20 ago when thieves kept junk from Mertle's Acres junkyard. So Mr. Mertle the guy that used to own the place got him this new pup from the dog pound. He fed him whole sides of beef... and turned the pup loose in the junkyard. And the pup was grateful. And so in a few weeks the pup grew into The Beast. And he grew big and he grew mean... So that he could protect the junkyard with only one thing on his mind. To kill everyone that broke in. And he did and he liked it a lot! The Beast was the most perfect junkyard dog that ever lived. A true killing machine. But after a while the cops started getting phone calls from people... reporting all the missing thieves. The ones The Beast had killed. It up to about 120... 173 guys. They never found a single body. Not one. Some people say they all got away. But we all know what really happened. The Beast ate them. He ate them bone and all. The Beast was too good at his guard dog job so the police said he had to be retired. My grandpa Squidman Palledorous was police chief back then. He ordered Mr. Mertle to turn his backyard into a fortress... and chain up The Beast and put him under the house... where he could never get out to eat children and stuff. That's where he's been for 20 years. And that's where he'll be for the rest of his life. Because Mr. Mertle asked the cops how long he had to keep The Beast chained up like a slave. They said until forever. And so The Beast sits there under that lean-to. Dreaming of the time when he can break the chain and get out. Dreaming of the time he can chase and kill again." Squints says as everyone listens to him.

"See man? That's why you can't go over there. Nobody ever has. Nobody ever will." Benny says as he looks at Scott.

"One kid did but nobody ever seen him again." Ham says as Alexis looks at him.

"That can't be true." Alexis says.

"Yeah it is. He got eaten." Ham says.

"No. None of that's true. You guys are just making this up to scare me." Scott says in disbelieve as

"Oh yeah? Stick your head out that window... and look down." Squints says as he hops down from his sitting spot before Scott looks down out the window. Scott then screams before pulling his head back inside.

"He's down there." Scott says as the others are holding bats in defense.

"You bet he is." Squints says.

"Whatever goes over that fence... stays there. It becomes the property of The Beast... forever." Ham says.

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