Chapter 4: You're Still A Kid

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"So who did you get into a fight with?" Masaki asked.

He had decided to take Bakugo fishing to try and build a bond with him. You could say they were getting to know each other better but Bakugo was still cautious.

Right now, Bakugo who had a bruised cheek, arms, knuckles and knees and a busted lip, had been forced to hold the fishing rod while Masaki caught his third fish. His parents were still away and wouldn't be back for the next four weeks. 

Bakugo didn't answer Masaki's questions.

"Kids these days are now using their quirks to fight against each other and you say you want to be a hero. At this rate how are you going to become one?"


"Don't fucking yell at me. I should be the one yelling at you. What would you have done if your mom saw your face looking like that huh? It's a fucking miracle you don't have a black eye."

This was the first time Bakugo had seen Masaki angry. He could see the shock on Masaki's face when he came back from the playground earlier. He had finally convinced his uncle to stop going with him to the playground always and he came back looking like he had been a brawl. Masaki thought he had been attacked and started looking for the first aid kit and his phone to call the police before Bakugo had said he had gotten into a fight.

Masaki had asked him if he had gotten into the fight willingly and when he said he did, Masaki suddenly told Bakugo to get on his motorcycle so that they could go fishing.

Bakugo realized now that Masaki did this so that he could control himself from screaming at him.

"I asked a question. Who did you get into a fight with?"

Bakugo bit his lip and still didn't answer.

"Goddammit Katuski what if you had gotten a serious injury?!"

Bakugo flinched. From the moment his uncle arrived into his life he had never called his name before. It was always 'kid this' or 'kid that'.

"I didn't get hurt that bad. It's just a little disagreement between kids."

"Wow that's a fucking big word. Do you know what that means?"

"Don't fucking make fun of me!"

"Or what?"

Bakugo didn't say anything. He just looked ahead at the lake.

He didn't get why his uncle was angry. He might have been shocked that his nephew came to him looking like that but he didn't know why he was so angry.

And he had a feeling that Masaki wasn't going to answer him as well.

He didn't answer and Masaki wasn't yelling at him anymore.

They didn't talk for the next two hours. All that could be heard were the sounds of crickets and fishes jumping out of the water and back in. 

Masaki caught about 10 fishes while Bakugo didn't bother to catch even one because he was being sulky.

Considering the relationship Masaki had been trying to build with Katsuki for the past week and how even Katsuki himself was opening up to him very slowly but surely, it felt like the relationship they had built might have been strained now.

As it started to get darker, Masaki started to pack their stuff and got up. Bakugo didn't move from his seat. 

"Get up."

Bakugo didn't say anything. Obviously he heard his uncle but he simply didn't say anything. Masaki didn't sound angry anymore but there was no emotion in his words so Bakugo was being careful.

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