I guess it's different cause you love her...

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[TW: I don't think there is any???]

"Richie, are you in here?" the voice of Eddie Kaspbrak rang out around the bathroom, as Richie started gaining his consciousness.

"Mmm" he mumbled, "I just finished with your mom" back to his usual self already.

"The teacher told me to come and get you, she said you don't have to finish presenting." he paused momentarily, "If you want I can just say I couldn't find you" The taller boy unlocked the cubicle and walked out, nodding his head. Eddie offered a smile, which Richie returned with his own, even bigger, smile.

"See ya then" the boy turned out to leave. Stop it Richie. You can't like him. You don't like him. He spent the rest of the period in the bathrooms, keeping mostly secretive. Until Ben Hanscom slid through the door.

"Oh, uhm– hi Richie!" the boy started awkwardly, "What class are you in right now?"

"Uhm, history, Ms Garcia." he stared into the mirror, moving his hair into a more flattering position, as he had a massive cowlick on the side of his head. While he solved the issue, a clump of hair fell out, which he hid quickly by shoving it in his pocket.

"I'm in bio with Mr Coleson" the shorter boy said as he started washing up, although no one had asked. "Also, Eddie said earlier that he wanted to talk to us all about something important at lunch." he added, before making his way out of the bathrooms. The boy let out a breath he had been holding, taking the tuft of hair and chucking it in the sink, washing it away like a sin. 

Richie soon left the washroom, deciding he had better things to do than cry in the toilets like a fucking pathetic loser. Aimlessly, he walked the halls, somehow wandering back to history. Planks squeaked as he walked into the room and took his seat, knee bouncing once more.

"Go over chapters four and five please, we will have a test on them." Ms Garcia made her way to Richie, lowering down to his level. "Richie, is everything ok?" he nodded without a word. "Your eyes are all puffy and red, are you sure you don't want a hall pass, just to sit in the hall for a bit? No pressure." she smiled with warmth, spreading her comfort to the quivering boy. 

"I'm ok Miss, thank you though." the support from his teacher brought out a smile, like the sun finally appearing from behind the clouds, after an overcast day. Over the next few periods, nothing eventful happened, everything slightly blended into the background.

Richie slammed down his tray of cafeteria food on the table next to Eddie, making him jump.

"Something scare you Dr. K?" the taller boy snickered in his British man accent, lowering himself down next to the boy.

"Shut up, Rich" Eds started,

"Yeah, shut up, Richie," Stanley concluded.

Richie looked on in confusion, what the fuck? He brushed it off as Eddie began to speak.

"So, the important thing... I want you to meet someone," he gestured off to the side and a taller girl around Richie's height, with beaming brown eyes, and fluffy black hair that sat around her shoulders, came around the corner. "This is Hannah Thatcher, my girlfriend." Richie forced a smile, "Breaking News! Eduardo can pull bitches!" he said, holding his fist to his mouth like he had a microphone in his hand, like those reporters on the actual news. To add to the feel he did his specially adapted reporter voice.

"Like you can pull anyone!" Eddie started, giggling,

"I pulled your mom..."

A smile slunk onto Eddie's face, "Ok, that one was actually funny."

Hannah looked between the two, making the connection, "You must be Richie," smiling, she reached out a welcoming hand, practically begging to be shaken "Eddie told me so much about you." The bespectacled boy looked into Hannah's eyes, through her own pair of thick glasses, before seizing her hand and shaking vigorously,

"It's nice to meet someone who is actually romantically attracted to Eds over there", Hannah snickered at this, tucking a tress of hair behind her ear. As the small boy was given compliments by his other friends, Richie felt a pain grow in his chest, a bearable, but deep pain, as if someone used a hole punch on his heart. Glancing over toward his friends, who were still praising Eddie and Hannah deeply, he stopped his denial. Came to terms with the truth. 

Oh fuck. 

Thinking back to the past couple of weeks, noticing things he didn't before. He loved the way Eddie's hair was always swept carefully to the side, the way he said 'shut up Rich' after every joke about his mom. He loved how he was always there for him, how his laughter seemed to comfort him, how much it pained himself to see him cry. He loved his little fannypack, he loved his voice, he loved his eyes... He loved Eddie.

[A/N sorry its short omll]

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