Cigarettes out the Window...

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[TW: Abuse, suicidal thoughts]

Richie Tozier is a useless piece of crap.

It was getting late now, and Richie and Eddie just separated, both agreeing that they should probably get going. Sun setting low in amongst the clouds, the boy shoved some headphones from around his neck up onto his ears. Playlist packed with his favorite songs; feet rhythmically tapping against the ground; hair bouncing with each step; lungs growing heavier with each breath. Pressing the play button on his playlist, the song 'Cigarettes out the Window' by TV Girl blasted at one hundred percent volume into his ears. Richie felt a special connection to this song. No, it wasn't because it was his favorite song or something.

She'd disappear for an hour and a half...

The words wrapped around his head, twisting in amongst his brain.

Poor little Liddy used to always quit, but she never really quit; she just says she did...

Walking in tune with the music, he could feel his chest start to tighten as if his ribs had shrunk in around his heart, strangling it.

The feeling followed him home, headphones being pulled down back around his neck. Upon opening the door, he was confronted by none other than Wentworth Tozier.

"Why are you so late?" he threw his hands up in a gesture, "You out with some boy? Probably not, who would want to fuck that disgusting piece of crap anyway." he spat the words out as if they tasted just as foul as they sounded. Standing up close to the boy, his large fist smacked into the small boy's jaw, causing Richie to topple over backwards. As soon as he made contact with the floor, he felt a pain hit his stomach caused by Went blowing a kick towards him. Curling up in pain, he clutched onto the wound in his side. The wound Henry made. The wound that defined him. Went stopped onto Rich's left arm and he howled in pain as if he turned into a werewolf, pain smashed through his body, leaving deep cracks. No matter how bad it got, he was not gonna tell the losers. They can't know. Nothing would be the same anymore, all anyone would see is some poor train wreck who wasn't ready to live. His thought process was interrupted by a kick in the guts once more,

"Useless!" Went added, as he threw his half-empty beer bottle at the boy, beginning to unbuckle his belt. "Don't move, you prick." a crack echoed around the house as Wents belt said 'hi' to the small boys back. Another lick of the belt was towards his arm, then his leg, then his back once more. Before finally putting his belt back on, he did a final blow to the boys back. "Pathetic little fag." he whispered, before turning to retrieve another beer.

Flinging the beer bottle over towards the window, where it smashed upon hitting the cupboard that sat there, his eyes widened in terror. "Get over here you piece of crap!" Making a run for it, he dashed down the hall into his room and slammed the door shut. He saw his desk and pushed it to block the entrance, petrified his father would break down the whole fucking door. Rattling, the door was at its limits as Went put his might into opening it, before giving up. "Why don't you kill yourself while your at it, do everyone a favor."

Tears sprung into Richie's eyes, realizing he might be right. Everyone was right. Maybe he should just... end it all.

[A/N: Heh, sorry about that one. I really wanted to thank you guys (especially toziierrs and FrogObsessedWeirdo , you guys rock) for the support on my storyy!! Remember to stay healthy, try to eat something, get a drink. Try to sleep earlier than 1am, but if you don't that's fine too, just try. Remember, no matter if you're 1 hour, or 100 hours clean, I'm so, so proud of you ml, you are so strong and you can get through this. You will get through this. As always snap is user_unknown247 discord is 8920,  and discord server will be in the comments, stay strong ml, ilysmm]

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