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I dant help but observe him during award ceremony. He smile and greet me like always. Congrats phi, he said happily. He look more cheerful now. I can see he talk with everyone. It just a small talk but it really make his life differ. He is doing good. I am happy for him. Are you still crazy about him, apo suddenly ask.  I look at him shocked. After i reject his feeling and explain my situation he finally accept that i will not fall for him. I also know, what he have for me are not love but short interest. He still confuse with series and real life. What make me happier, we  become better as on screen partner. Please, i am not blind, even you dont say who, i know he said. You eyes cant lie. You should confess he said. I just laugh. He is  happier now i said.

After our second meeting at bali, on my flight back i finally realize why i am worry and always think of him. But like i said he need to find his own happiness himself.

Phi can you stop influencing brigh,t win suddenly come and confront me.
I am what i ask him back. I want him back, stay out of his life, win bravely said to me. It must be his immaturity. I cant let my anger control me. I am trying to be better for bright. Bright is the most patient person i ever know. So i am trying to become better person too. I dont know why but i think i change too. If you want him back ,you should go to him not me , i reply to win. I have no relation with him i honestly said. Stop lying phi, i know both of you are in relation, win said again. If you know, why you still want to interfere, i ask him back. He is belong to me at first place ,win start getting angry. And you leave him for someone else , i said quickly. He told you,  he ask me with his big eyes. No he dont, i just know, i said.
I am so sorry for that, i really miss old him, i want him back win said again but gently now. He must be regreting his decision before. Win, maybe you should think what make you really want, love are mutual feeling between two person, i said and leave him alone. I dont want to waste my time for all this nonsense.
I walk to my team and ready to celebrate our success. Mile you have changed a lot now ,bible said. I cant believe you still can talk to win calmly. I am trying to be better man , i said proudly. He is only acting like that for those who cant touch or hurt bright. Dont forget about luke and joss pete remind them. I laugh to pete statement.  Lets go apo said. Lets have fun apo shout  happily.

Hi phi he greet me again, when we accidently celebrate our friend burthday at the same club.
I just nod to him and he walk to his team and enjoy himself. I can see win being clingy at him but he like usual treat him the same like his other coworker.  Go and confess, apo said frustratedly. I just laugh. He should not know i take one year just for this greeting. They will be laughing at me if they know

Hi phi, congratulation he greet me again when we meet at my movie premier. You come, i said. I am not expecting him because i just ask him randomly during our unplan meet last month.i am invited right he ask me back. Of course , i said. I felt guilty because i really dont prepare his sit at the front level. I asume he won't come. See you he said and sit with my fans who now non stop taking his picture.  Omg this is so frustrating ,apo said. Bible and pete only can laugh.  When the movie ended me and co worker stand at the front. I try to look for him but he already left. Its a bit pity,  i hope we can have dinner together like in bali.

Why should i meet her, i ask my mom.
Because you need a wife or husband or what ever you want , she yell at me. Just bring anyone, she said again loud. I love you mom, i said. Dont use love card. I wont fall for it this time. How long you want to be actor. Why in your interview you mention that you will focus on family business if you find your partner. Why you refuse my candidate again she yell at me. She must be frustrated because being push by my dad. Actually I never attend all blind date she arranged. I just dont like it.

It was another great success. I and apo now in india attending CD event.
It is prestiged event but also pack of activity. So both of us are really tired.
We need rest, apo said. I nodded to that. So what the plan, he ask me. I dont know you can decide. Really, he ask me. Yup.. i said and lay beside him. Lets go to kasmir apo suggest. I am okay with everything. I cant wait for this to end I reply to apo.  Yes me too, apo said while closing his eyes.

Omg this is so beautiful. I can live here forever i said while looking at beautiful scenery at kashmir. Me too, apo said. We should buy a a house here. My family will love it , i said. Yes you should, maybe our team also can enjoy it he said without guilty. Are you going to used all our holiday here, apo ask. I will, you can go home first if you want, i said. I like this nice cold weather here, i said while looking at the news how bright fly from one country to other country. You must be tired too ,i said in my heart. I hope you will have you good rest , i pray while touching his picture.
Stop being pathetic, apo said. How long will you play like cat and mouse. I cant lie to your mom anymore. She is scary you know, apo said. You are not lying, you are telling the truth. I have no lover i said. Aghhhh apo scream and leave me alone. I quickly like bright photo which is newly upload.

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