The Test: Part 1

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Naruto looks around the village. It was just like he remembered. Not that much was going to change over the span of two years but still. A wave of memories flooded him. The time he spent with Sasuke and Sakura. Thinking about Sasuke makes him a bit sad. He distracts himself by thinking about how the Konoha 11 would have grown so much by now.


A voice shouts at him. Naruto looks down from the giant pole on which he was standing at a girl with short pink hair and a red dress.

"Sakura-chan! How are you?"

"Sakura-chan! How are you?"

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Sakura looks at Naruto, a smile in her eyes. Naruto jumps down from the pole. Their eyes meet for a second and there is some awkward silence. Sakura breaks it. "Wow! You are really grown up. You are even taller than me." Naruto laughs. "I know, I know, right?!" Sakura chuckles. "We have to meet Hokage now. C'mon!"

But before they could go, Konohamaru appears out of nowhere and gives Naruto a big hug. Naruto looks at Konohamaru."Man, you're really grown up." Konohamaru laughs. "I know, I know, right?! Guess what, I learned the shadow clone jutsu!"

Konohamaru makes two other Konohamaru clones appear behind him. Naruto smiles. "Wow, that's awesome! I have learned a lot of jutsu too, you know!"

Sakura knew that their conversation would last forever if she didn't interrupt. So she holds Naruto's ear and drags him to the Hokage's office.


The Ninja with silver hair and the mask and Gojo are standing face to face each other. The man introduces himself as Hatake Kakashi. He looks at Gojo for a moment and then says, "So, this is your test to decide as to which rank you will get in this village. The three ranks are Genin, Chunin and Jonin, Genin being the lowest and the Jonin being the highest." Gojo smiles. "Well then, I am a Jonin for sure! By the way, which rank is the Hokage?" Kakashi replies," She is above all ranks, the top in the village. Now, let us begin the fight."

Kakashi closes his eyes for a moment thinking that Gojo would hide. But on opening his eyes again, he finds that Gojo is just standing there, whistling. Kakashi is remembered of Naruto, who did the exact same thing. He thinks in his mind, 'This is going to be interesting.' He then shouts, "Shinobi Battle Skills Rule 1: Taijutsu!"

Kakashi waits for Gojo's attack but it does not come. It seemed to Kakashi that Gojo was playing on the defensive. That meant he will have to get offensive. Kakashi sends a series of punches at Gojo which he easily dodges. Kakashi tries to kick him in the gut but Gojo dodges that too and even before Kakashi could launch an attack Gojo counters it with a punch on Kakashi's gut.

"I'm not done yet!"

Gojo continues his volley of punches and sends Kakashi flying into a tree, knocking him unconscious. Gojo laughs. "Looks like I won!" But then a voice comes out of the nothingness. "Shinobi Battle Skills Rule 2: Genjutsu!"

Kakashi is going to stab Gojo in the gut with a kunai and Gojo does not even have the time to react. Kakashi eyes make a pattern indicating he is giving a winning smile. But as the Kunai reaches Gojo, just a few centimeters before touching him, it stops. Kakashi looks in shock. What kind of barrier was that? Gojo smirks. "Gojo Battle Skills Rule 1: Infinity."

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