The Last Uchiha

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Sakura was in the bath. She felt the cold water gushing down her body. She was lost in her own world.


I swore I would become stronger. I wanted to bring back Sasuke. How foolish of me. How can I hope to bring back the people I have lost when I can't even protect the ones I love. I just watched as a bystander as Gojo-sama fought Naruto and Orochimaru. I...(End)


Sakura, Naruto and Hayake were hiding in a bush. They could distinctly watch Gojo talk to Orochimaru though he was not audible. Suddenly, Orochimaru breaks Gojo's armour. Sakura looks at the scene in shock. A snake erupts from the ground which attacks Gojo. Gojo manages to destroy it. Sakura sighs a relief. She suddenly feels and overwhelming presence beside her. Naruto's eyes had turned red, dangerous slits replacing the blue orbs. He was cloaked by red chakra. Sakura shouted, "NARUTO!"

Hayake looked at him too. He jumped behind and Sakura too took a step backwards. She called his name but all she got in response was a terrifying growl. Hayake took out his sword. Naruto attacked Hayake SLASH!! Hayake's sword pierced through Naruto's body. But Naruto attacked once again. He jumped in the air in an animal-like fashion and attacked Hayake. Chakra swirled through his hands. Rasengan. Hayake dodged the attack. Naruto tried to claw him but he evaded it.

Sakura weaved a handsign and from the ground erupted a earth dragon. The dragon attacked Naruto who got hit by it and was knocked backwards. Before he could recover, Sakura punched him in the face. Naruto was hit hard, the ground beside him completely obliterated.

[NOTE: Sakura can use Earth release and Water release. It is canon according to Borutowiki. I decided to explore more into her elemental release powers.]

Naruto got up, wiping the blood of his face. A tail spouted from his back. Naruto leaps at Sakura but Hayake steps in between them. He stabs Naruto in the stomach with the sword. He goes for a second swing to decapitate Naruto. Grab! Naruto had an evil smile on his face as another tail spouted from his backward. The nine-tails chakra entered the sword and the sword broke. Hayake was lost for words. He tried to punch Naruto but Naruto blocked it, his hand pierced through Hayake's intestine. Hayake became unconscious. Naruto threw Hayake aside, his menacing glare now on Sakura. He rushed at her and before she could even react, his claws slashed through her arm. Sakura winced in pain. She shouted, " Water formation pill-".

Naruto's eyes were not at her anymore. They were transfixed on Orochimaru. He rushed towards him, leaving Sakura behind. Sakura fell to the floor, trying to use medical ninjutsu to heal her arm.


Sakura covered her body with a towel. She wore her clothes, took one last look at her wound and then went out of the room. A minute later, she came out of Gojo's room and headed to Naruto's room to wake him up. She slid his door open only to discover, he was awake already. He looked at Sakura and his face lit up again but then he saw the wound on her arm and he went dull. Sakura shrugged. "It's nothing. Orochimaru attacked me. I tried to attack him but he was too power-." Naruto interrupted her shouting, "DON'T LIE SAKURA-CHAN! The Nine-tails is a part of my body. I recognize its chakra. I'm so-so." Sakura hugged him. "Don't be. It is not your fault. Besides, I feel a lot better now. I am just happy that you are okay."

Naruto, who had tears in his eyes, nodded. He was lost for words. Sakura looked at him and smiled. "C'mon now. Let's get our friend back! Shannaroo!" Naruto chuckled. "Dattebayo! We are coming for you Sasuke!"

Hayake walked through the empty corridoors, filled with an eerie silence. He asked Orochimaru, "Where are we going?" Orochimaru led him to a dark room. "Since you are going to be living here, I thought you would like to meet our resident."

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