"Both Siraj and Fatima entered the room, and Fatima was looking at him angrily, and he said"
"دخل كل من سراج ÙˆÙاطمة الغرÙØ© ØŒ وكانت Ùاطمة تنظر إليه بغضب ØŒ وقال"
"Siraj: Damn Fatima, today is our night. Don't spoil the night. Enough spoiled"
"سراج: اللعنة Ùاطمة ØŒ اليوم ليلتنا. لا تÙسدي الليل يكÙÙ‰ Ùسدت بما يكÙÙ‰"
"Fatima angrily: Don't talk to me, I'll change my clothes."
"Ùاطمة بغضب: لا تتØدث معي ØŒ سأغير ملابسي واغلقت باب الØمام بقوة."
"Fatima went out after taking a shower and Siraj was shocked by what Fatima was wearing"
"خرجت Ùاطمة بعد الاستØمام وصدم سراج بما ترتديه Ùاطمة"
"Fatima smiled: You are right, I have spoiled enough, and I do not want to deprive my husband of his right"
"Ùاطمة ابتسمت: أنت على ØÙ‚ ØŒ لقد Ø£Ùسدت بما Ùيه الكÙاية ØŒ ولا أريد أن Ø£Øرم زوجي من Øقه"
"Siraj approached her and put his hand on her waist and brought her close to him, and their lips were close: How long has my beloved been so bold?"
"اقترب منها سراج ووضع يده على خصرها وقربها منه ØŒ وكانت Ø´Ùتيهما متقاربة: منذ متى ÙˆØبيبتي جريئة؟""Fatima nervously and confused: I don't know... He pounced on her lips, kissed her hard, and ran his hands over her body and femininity."
"Ùاطمة بتوتر: لا أعلم .. انقض على Ø´Ùتيها وقبلها بقسوة ومرر يديه على جسدها وأنوثتها."
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