Chapter 1

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I see her running down the street holding onto her skirts as she does so. What is she running for? Is someone chasing her? I look behind her and see nothing, I blink my eyes to infrared and see five or six bluish shapes chasing her. I shoot out of my alley and grab her by the waist. She screams for me to let her go, and keeps screaming. I will her to sleep and she goes quiet. One of the first shadows appear.

"Give her to us! She is ours!" He threatens. The rest of his group catch up. "She is no longer yours to be concerned about. She is now mine and mine alone."I say commanding. The group of them all seem to be taken aback by my commanding voice. Do they not now who I am?

"And what do you think gives you the right to take claim?" one says looking at me, seeing what my problem is. "I think my birth right is what gives me the right. I am the Lord, and King. I am Keillan Kraven, the newest King of the Shadow." The farthest one in the back turns and runs. He runs right into the leader of my guard: Thorian. He goes by Thor mostly. Many European mortals think him a God of Asgurad (which happens to be the name of my guard.) Thor grabs the idiot by the throat and throws him into the others.

"Finish with them while I tend to the girl." I say to Thor. He nods, and stalks up to the group of ghouls.I can hear their screams, I pick the girl up into my arms and cradle her to my chest. It has been to long since I've felt a women's body. As I start running I hear her moan into my chest. I tighten my grip around her, and slow my pace. Just so I may savor the feeling.

I have to get away from these.. these things! I push my body to its limits trying to run from them. Out of nowhere I feel an arm come around my waist. I scream for it to let me go, then kept screaming hoping someone would hear me. I heard a voice ring inside my head telling me to sleep, and I couldn't fight it. My eyes close against my will.

When I awake, I find myself in a dimly lit room. On one of the most comfortable beds I've ever felt. I sat up and tried to remember what happened last night. I remember leaving the bar and then.. Nothing.. The door opened and in came a woman. She walked into the room like she owned it, perhaps she did, she stopped quickly, and seemed to sniff the air. Her head snapped in my direction, and she growled at me. I screamed as her teeth became elongated, and her face reconstructed in on  itself. A man suddenly appeared in the doorway. "What is THIS doing in Here!!" the woman screeched at the man. I shrunk back into myself and whimpered. He looked at me and then at her.

"She is my guest, and this is my room, Not yours, Ashleyn. I can have whomever I want in it." he said in a firm voice. The woman: Ashleyn didn't seem to like his answer, she turned and charged at me. I squealed, and fell of the side of the bed onto the floor. Nothing happened after i fell though, I peeked over the bed to see her just on the other side of it. She was completely still: as if she was a statue. She wasn't even breathing. I looked past her at the man in the doorway, and saw he to was completely still. They seemed to be frozen in place? I moved in front of the woman and waved my hand in front of her face. Her eyes moved but nothing else. I turned to the man in the doorway and saw another man next to him now, now this man was down right frightening. He looked dead, but he was still walking around. I knew this horrible man. I knew him from a long long time ago. My mind suddenly went black, and I felt myself falling backwards into a black nothingness.

"What in the nine kingdoms is SHE!?" Ashleyn screamed as she became mobile again. "I don't know? That's why she's here, so I can figure that out." I replied. Thor was in the doorway watching the unconscious girls body. "We don't need to know what she is. She needs to leave, or die!" Ashleyn spat. I looked at Thor and he nodded. He grabbed Ashleyn by the hair and dragged her kicking and screaming out of the room. I walked over to the girl and picked her up. Her head rolled against me. Once I set her on the bed, I went to get her a glass of water for when she wakes up again.

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