chapter 1: do i really belong here.

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Frisk pov.
I'm brushing my teeth. Brushing my hair. And getting my clothes on. I'm once again ready for school. I ran out of the bathroom and down the stairs. Toriel: "looks like someone woke up on the right side of the bed" asriel: "mom if that suppose to be a joke. It wasn't funny" toriel chuckled. "I am ready for school!" I raise my arms up. Asgore is reading the news paper. I went and jump at him. Which really spook him. Asgore: "oh my dear loud frisk. You planning to give this old monster a heart attack or something?" I smile my bright smile. Asgore: "oh I can't stay mad at you! Come here!" He started tickling me. Somehow knowing my tickle spots. Asriel: "dad that enough. We are going to be late and she probably prefer to be here then school" asriel eats his plate of breakfast. Bacon and eggs! Better eat it quick. I sat at the table and started eating. Asgore started filling my bag up with things I need to take to school. Asriel finished and got on his jersey. Asriel: "come on sis. Your riding with me" I hug him. He has uses a motorbike to get to school. He always have me be infront so he can keep a eye on me. I finished and got my bag on. As I looked at the corner of the eye to see missing monsters on the news paper. I grab it and looked to see about 3 monsters still missing. It then showed a from someone camera. It shows a island but it said to be a ghost island. Why does it look so familiar? Asgore: "oh don't worry frisk. It nothing that needs you to worry about!" I gave him the new paper. Asriel: "come on sis. Let not be late" I quickly waved to asgore and toriel aka mom and dad. Asriel is sitting on his motorbike and lift me up. He place me infront of him and put on my helmet. Asriel: "safely first" he ready and starts riding. I hold onto the bike. Asriel ride past buildings. Shops. I can see undyne do her police job. I see sans and papyrus readying there shop. Alphy being late as always. Monster kids runs outside. As dogs runs after a ball. We stop at a crossing. As a walking dog with a long head and his other dog buddy's walk across. Asriel rides past gerson. I waved at him as he waved back. We then got to the school of monster university. It just MU for short. It just a school then a university. Like a high school. Just called a university. I hop off. As I ran to my friends who wree waitting for me. Susie: "yo frisk. Man thought you be late. You came with your brother again?" Susie. One of my friends in school. She used to bully me until she realized that my brother was someone taller then her. Every since then we been hanging out. She would defend me even if I don't want her too. She a kind monster. Too bad she trys not a show it. She one of those bad girl type of monsters. Ralsei: "oh come on Susie. I know you want to see asriel" and here ralsei. Another great friend. One of the first that befriended me. He trys to not solve things with violence. But he bully for that. He very nice tho! Susie: "let me make it clear! I respect him! I don't have any other feels but respect! Got it fur ball!" Susie grab ralsei glasses and put them on. Ralsei: "Susie! Give me my glasses!" Asriel walked over to us. Asriel: "I hope your not making a scene Susie" Susie still wearing ralsei glasses. Susie: "come on. I look like a nerd!" I laughed. Asriel grab it and gave it back to ralsei. Asriel: "well. I see you later sis" asriel gave me a hug and left. He one of the seniors at the school so he in the other half of the place. Me. Susie and ralsei share the same class. Somehow Susie keeps getting put in classes I'm in. School begins as we all sit in our classes. Ms alphy runs into the class room and apologizes for being late. She said she going to teach us what kind of science thing. Something I always found bored. It just not interesting enough. But I sat there and listen. Because I'm a good human. Time goes past as I watch susie falls a sleep in class. I chuckled. As the class came to a end. Alphy called to me. Alphy: "you dont mind getting something for me? I think I left it in the teachers lounge. I have to stay here and keep a eye on Susie. She haven't woken up yet" I nodded. Alphy: "oh thank you! It a ultimate mega edition of mew! You cant miss it!" I head out as ralsei started drawing on Susie face. I make my way to the teachers lounge. It looks empty. I entered and grab alphy book. What so mega and ultimate is it? It glitters. Ooooooo. Pretty. Then the dog slam open. Making me nearly drop it. Monster entered the lounge. Oh no. They surround me. I hold out my hand to them. To try and convince them that there no need to do this. "Please. I know your hate me. I didn't mean to bump into you" i was walking with Susie and ralsei that I bump onto him. Spilling his monster berry juice. What other reason is it? He Crack his knuckles as his buddy's went to grab me. I dodge there grab and went under the table. I came out the other end and started running. I ran to alphy class and quickly got inside. Alphy: "your back!" Alphy ran up to me and took there book. Alphy: "thank you very much frisk! I hope no one read it!" Wait. It a diary? I looked out the small window of the door. They not there. I breath fresh air. I didn't mean to bump into him. As the day goes by I feel myself getting followed. Everywhere I go. Eyes are on me. When ever im alone. I sat down at the table in the Cafe. I told susie and ralsei about what happen. Susie: "wait really? I don't think it that frisk" Ralsei: "Susie! There no need for frisk to know that!" Know what? What does Susie mean? Then out of no way. Berdly sat on the table. Berdly: "is that gossip I here! Or are you trying to leave poor frisk in the blind. If your a scared cat. Then I. Berdly. Will tell you" what is he or about? He Sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulder. Berdly: "you see frisk. There been words of monster disliking you! Why you ask. Your human!" He started laughing. Susie: "hey bird brain! I was trying to say it in a much nicer way!" Berdly pushes his glasses to his eyes. Berdly: "my dear. Dumb stupid Susie. In what nature are you nice?" Susie step into the table. Ready to throw hands. Berdly went back as ralsei holds Susie back. They yell at eachother as I was left to think. I thought everyone was used to me by now. But it looks like it the same things as when I started. As lunch ended we went back to our class. I once again listen as a good human. I decided I wanted to go and get my books from my locker before the next class. I head for my locker. I open it up as I have a photo of my family in it. Me. Mom. Dad. And my big bro. I grab my books and before I went to turn around. I feel a fist hit my face. Making me drop my books. I then was grab by my throat. Lifted up from the ground. It a different group of monsters. They talk about how I was high and mighty. Like I own the place. I try to explain I wasn't but he hit my stomach. Then went on about how his geat grandpa fought and die in the old war. They all went yelling it at me like I did it I feel myself shaking. He then started hitting. Like it pay back for all there family history. Punching. Kicking. Everything. After awhile they stop and left. I lean against my open locker. In pain. My eye hurt. It feel like I have a broken rip and my shoulder aches. I try to get but I failed. Noelle: "frisk! Are you ok! You look hurt!" Noelle. Isn't that. Berdly rivel she gentle help me up. Noelle: "here. I'll take you to the school nurse" i can feel the tears. There words. Blaming me for what happen to there grandpa and grandma. Blaming that it was my fault. I spend the whole day at the nurse getting heal up. Monster healing word wonders. It just I didn't feel like leaving. Then the door burst open. Asriel: "frisk!!" Asriel ran over to me and hug me. Asriel: "my God. I'm so sorry I wasn't there sooner. I was in tryouts and wasn't able to get let go" I lean my head onto his jersey. I was silent. Asriel: "who did this to you! Who hurt you!" The nurse told him that a group of monster had a dislike to her because of the history in the old war. Asriel: "grrrrr! They will pay!" I hold him not to run off. "Please......take me home...." my voice sound like I was about to cry. He nodded and picked me up as gently as he can. I hide my face into his jersey. He got onto his bike and started riding. He kept me as close as possible. We got home. I immediately got off his bike and ran inside. Asriel: "wait sis!" I ran up stairs and went into my room. I locked the door and covered my face in my pillow. I then started crying. There words hurt me alot. I'm a monster like them. I think I am. They all treat me like a human. A outcast. What am I supposed to say. I didn't do anything. I just want to live with wasn't the first time I was told that. I over heard that I shouldn't exist with monsters. I should be spending the rest of my life with my other kind that are probably extinct. Blame for monster great grandfather or mother death. It all I heard from them even if I show them that I won't cause harm. Nothing I do will show I am not a threat. Or to be blame. I then heard noises coming from behind my door. I went to open it. Asriel: "they hurt her mom! All because she is human! What is there to not understand!" Toriel: "asriel. She is human. We don't know much of her origin or if she one of us. All we can do I give her space" asgore: "if she was monster we would understand. Humans are different.when it comes to emotions. We don't know much of them since the old war" asriel: "that not a point! She our family! Doesn't matter if she human or monster! We are family!" Asgore: "she maybe family. But she human. And for that we must treat her since she not on-" I then hear a slap noise. Toriel: "asgore dreemurr! Don't you dare finish that sentence!" I feel tears. I went away from the door. He was really. Going to say that. Even after caring for me. In the end. I'm human. I cry into my pillow. My tears silently comes out.
Third person pov.
As frisk went away from the door. There argument did not finish. Asgore: "your right. I can't believe I would think that. Stupid!" Asgore shouts at himself. Frisk too busy crying to hear. Asriel looks at frisk door. He was about to comfort her. Asriel: "I think I'll give her space. She deserves it. But when she comes out. I'm going to hug her until i show just how much she means to me" toriel: "we will do the same. She maybe human. But she our family" asriel. Toriel. And asgore head back down stairs. Asgore: "how about tomorrow. We visit the museum. Frisk loves history so it will be the prefect place for her" they talk about a trip. Unknowingly that frisk is crying because she thinks that they never loved her as family.
Frisk pov.
Frisk stop crying. But asgore words echo in her head. "Maybe. I shouldn't be here" as I think. My phone goes off. I grab it to see I got a message from gerson. He let's me know of any books that I might be interested in. But this text is different. I clicked on it and it shows his message. It says "I know this island! I knew I seen it before! This mobius! The island where the humans were banishes on!" There a photo of the island from the news paper. He says it where the humans were banished on. If that true. That means they are alive! I got up. I packed my bag full of things I believe I'm going to need. I then zip it up and open my window. I put the piece of paper on my bed. They will read it. I then hop out of my window and started heading to gerson. I got there and he shows his excitement of seeing the island. Gerson: "when I read it on the paper. I knew it was familiar. I was one of the monsters that help with getting the humans on the island. How would I forget the place!" He placed books that has the look of the island on it. He put the one with the new paper in the middle. Gerson: "if that island is still there. That means the humans are still alive! But is it possible for them to survive?" I looked at the island from the books. If that what it looks like. Then I'm going to find it. "Thank you mr gerson!" I went to leave. Gerson: "are you planning to leave to go search for them? Wouldn't your family be worried?" I started thinking and smiled. "If I was a monster. Then I would belong" he looks sad but smiles anyway. Gerson: "I see your point. Come. I have something you can use to find it" he leads Me outside. I then see see old boat. It looks very old that it could break. Gerson: "this baby I used for fishing. But you shall use it to find your kind" he load it onto a trailer and takes me to the sea. As he places it in the water. I hop on it. He explain what I need to do and how to operate it. I nodded and did what I was told. Gerson: "this is good bye frisk. I enjoy your time listening to my story. And I believe your family still loves you even if your human" i took a deep breath. "Wish me luck. Mr gerson" I active the soul engine as it started moving the boat. He waves at me as I waved back. I looked at the shore of the city I live in. A small tear comes down my eye as I wipe it away. I looked out into the sky. With one goal in mine. Find the humans.

Liquid: "here it is. First chapter already at a good start. Then for enjoying this. Next chapter will begin the island adventure. I hope your ready for a exciting look into a au that I been planning. Thanks for reading and enjoy"

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