chapter 2: the island of mobius

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Third person pov.
After that night. Toriel and asgore were readying for the trip. Asriel went to go get frisk since she didn't come down for breakfast. They called for frisk but didn't hear any answer. Asriel walks up stairs and knocks on frisk door. "Hey sis. We are going on a family trip today. You wake?" Asriel open the door. He looks in frisk room and doesn't see her. Only a paper in the middle of her bed and open window. Asriel: "sis?" He grab the paper and read it. It a note. If your reading this. Your probably wondering where I am. I knew I didn't belong. So I plan to join my kind where ever they are. Thank you for all the love and care. If only I was a monster. Then we would be more happy" his eyes widen. He quickly race out of her room to tell asgore and toriel. Asriel: "frisk is gone! She left to find her kind!" Both toriel and asgore stop. They were full of horror at what asriel said. Toriel: "she. Gone?" Asgore: "oh no! She heard me! She heard what I said! This is my fault!" Asgore looks like he can barely stand. His legs were shaking. Knowing it his fault for saying all that. Asriel race outside. Asriel: "I'm going to look for her!" He then hop on his bike and started riding it all over the city. Toriel: "asgore. You must get people to search for her. There is no time to start regretting" asgore was able to regain his balance. Asgore: "you are right. There is no time to think about it. We must find her!" He pick up his phone and started calling while toriel called on her. To them it a race against time. After all. Where would the little human go?
Frisk pov.
I looked at a map that gerson left in the boat. It has the whole look of the sea. The city is here. So I'm guessing it would be over there. I don't see any islands or boats. I see up somwthing to keep the sun off me. It been night time since I left. I dont know how far I am but I hope I will find where it is. I ready the engine. I got it started to move the boat. The wind pushing my hair. I started eating. Good thing I pack some food. It a good day to go fishing. I remember I went fishing with my family. Asgore was a bit not good at it while toriel was somehow the best. It quite strange that mom could do better then dad. Isn't dad older? I chuckled. I'm already missing them. They took care of me. Protected me. They were my family. Maybe. I should go back. No. It will only cause them problems. After all. I'm human. I sat there as my boat continued. I decided to close my eyes. I feel tired somehow. Didn't I sleep last night? I closed my eyes. I feel my body relaxed as my vision goes dark. I feel. Peaceful. But then a strange light appeared infront of me. Is this a dream? Am I asleep? The light was golden. Then I see something purple. Then dark blue. Then light blue. Then green. Then orange. Then yellow. Then red. Like mine. They all went around me. Like a ring. As the golden light stay infront of me. I went to touch it. But then a qbright light happened. I then feel myself waking up. What was that? I felt. Calm. And soft. Then a word appeared in my head. Interesting. I shake my head and I looked into the sky. It still sunny. I must not have slept for that long. A day went by as I looked at the map. There isn't any storm coming. It weird. There still isn't any island. Am I going the right way. I hope I haven't gotten off course. I keep going. As time goes past. I then notice the sky getting dark. But it not night time? I looked up and see dark clouds. It started raining. I covered myself from it. I feel the sea moving my boat. Rocking it. I hold onto something. The wind started pushing hard against my boat. Making it hard to open my eyes. The engine still going so I stop it. Hoping that I don't crash into something. The wave gotten more rough. I hold onto the boat. The storm started getting violence. Like I trying to knock me off the boat. Why. I looked. And i think I see a island. Is thst the island. Could it really be the island. If it a place thay shield me from this storm. I'm going to have to risk it. I started the engine as it heads for the island. This rain is making it hard to seethe island. Or anything. But I got to keep moving. The more I moved. The harder it is to see any. The rain coming down. The waves is crashing against my boat as the wind blowing hard. I try covering my eyes. I then see the island. My eyes widen. There is a island out at the sea. It mobius. The engine stop. "No!" I start trying to get it started. But it looked damaged. I keep trying to start it. The waves crashes. The wind blow. The rain pour. It a raging storm. I then looked at the island. I see. A glowing beast. Like a monster. In the air. Eyes glowing red as it hear body floating. Is it a ghost. It hold it hand up into the air. I looked to see a flash of light. As a thunder comes down and destorys the boat. Sending me off and landed in the water. I feel myself sinking. My mind slowly going dark. Am I going to drown? Is this it for me? Am I. Going to die alone. Just like I feared. I open my eyes. To see something shiny both red and white infront of me. It looks so beautiful.
*who are you?*
I hear. A voice. Like something talking to me. Asking my name. It frisk.
A moment of silent happen. I don't feel water entering my lunges.
*what are you. Human or monster?*
Is that a question. What am I. Human. Or am I monster. A question that I need answer for. But it Human.
Another moment of silent. I'm not falling. Like I'm floating.
*frisk. The human. Where did you come from? Why are you here?*
I remain silent.
*never mind. That not important. Well. I'll let it past this time. Welcome to mobius*
I then feel a force pushing me. As I woke up. I feel the softness of the ground. I turn over and open my eyes. I see a roof of branches as leaves fall from the sky. I got up as I looked to where I am. This is ground. There are leaves all over it too. Wasn't I on the boat? Where. Am I? I see a long path. Light shines though the branches. I see trees that reaches the sky. I walked down it. There a of leaves. I looked behind me as where I came from. The water looks so far away. I hope I'm going the right way. I then entered what looks like to be. A very old area. There are Vines and leaves on the side of the place. I see what looks to be a old. Dummy? I walked up to it. Looking at it. And poking it. With a stick. Wait when did I grab a stick? Was it in my hand. I then went to leave. ???: "Jesus. Who woke me up?" Was That. A voice? I turn to see. No one? Where did that voice come from. ???: "right here" I looked around. I then see the dummy infront of me. Scaring me. ???: "oh God. What are you doing here? This is a no entry point. If your mom finds out your here she going to take my arms again. So go now" what. My mom? Dub: "hurry up. Or she will really have it out for dub the dummy" it started pushing me from behind. "Wait. Hey!" I entered the next room. There alot of ruins everywhere.
(Old Town ruins)
It looks to be old ruins. Like a place build here long ago. I went up to a wall. There a strange looking sign on the walls. It almost looks like that rune on mom old outfit. But. It looks. To be made different. This one looks to be a Phoenix in the middle. With hearts around it. I looked around more. There a pillar in the middle of the place. There arrows on the side of it. Pointing that way. I went the way it point into a room. There pedestals. I grab a note that was in a pile of other notes. Note: "to solve this puzzle. Put the item where it belongs" is this one of papyrus puzzles. But. Wasn't his puzzle. The whole mall once? Somehow he made the whole mall. Into some kind of puzzle. All the monsters liked it. But he was arrested for not having permission. I grab a item that was beside the notes. It looks like a mini. Artifact? Wait no. It fake. Do I. Put it there? says put the item there? A arrow is pointing at it. I put it on the pedestal. As I hear something move. I looked to see a path way has open up. So this place has puzzles too? Wait. There another note. Note: "I'm bored. So these puzzles will open the way. But dont tell mom!" Um. I continue walking. I see a steam of water down the side of the ruins. It looks clean to drink. I put my hand into the water. It feels smooth. There must be a running waterfall right? I continue walking. I looked up and I see only the roof full of branches. It like the trees gotten so tall that it reaches the sky. So cool. Wait. I need to check my stuff. I looked for my bag. Where is it. Was it washed away? Is it still st the beach. I went to check my pocket it for things until something appeared infront of me. Like a menu. From a game? There my name. F.r.i.s.k. Frisk. There. Something green. It has hp next to it. What is hp. Heart point? And there SP. What does SP stand for? Special point? Hmmm. What this? Inventory? I pressed it and it opens up another menu. I see. Weapon and armor. This is like a game! Am I in a vr world of something? Let see. I punch myself. Ow! That hurts. No vr headset fallen off? I looked at my hp. It was 40. But now it 39. So I damaged myself?? That hurt. I somehow got out of the weapon and armor and looks for items. Which is right under weapons and armor. I press it. Making another menu appear. I see half eaten sandwhich which I made at gerson. And my book of human history. That about all I have. I pressed on my book as it appeared in my hands. Was That a magic trick? I wonder how I can put it away. Do I. Put it in my pocket? I went to do that. Or try to since it really big. It then disappeared. Back into my inventory. This is so cool. But how can i do this? I don't even know how to use magic? I somehow got it to go away. I started walking more as I figure out what the runes are about. Toriel said that her runes are of her history before the was used as a name for a business. The deltarune. I got into the next room as I see that weird dummy. Dub: "hey there good looking. You come here often?" Is that dummy. Talking to another dummy. Dub: "beat it kid. Don't you see you are interfering. Me and this girl here are just getting to know eachother" but. That a dummy. That weird. I walk past as I hear say you press this button to talk. This to say whatever line you want. And you move in for the romance. That disgusting. As I step. I crush old leaves on the ground. I would see some fall too. I'm surprised there no leaves pile. I continue walking as I then see someone infront of me. Brown shorts. A green and strip sweater. "Um. Hi?" They got up and started running. What the? I started following her. Or chasing her if I didn't see her making the door closed infront of me. How did that person do that? I turn around. To see runes poking out of the wall. I see another well place note. "One goes in. But two comes out. Figure which goes in. It will stop the other two for coming out" so if I push this one. And push them one. That one comes out. I see. I pushed one in and another. It like trying to put something in but something pops out. I got it done really quick as the door opens up. I run down it and got to a big long hallway. Just really long. I see Vines. Leaves. That strange rune. I walk down as my feet echo. I looked up and see no roof on this place. Just the leaves covered sky. I continue walking. Until I hear something snap. I looked up and see something going to fall on me. ???: "whaaaaaa!!!" I try to escape but was landed on. Ow. That hurt. ???: "sorry" they got off me as I stand up. I looked at them as my eyes widen. Infront of me. Is like looking in a mirror. Someone with the same face. Hair but different clothes. ???: "sorry about that. I got scared and was hiding up in those Vines. You scared me" I didnt move. My eyes were just widen and surprised that there is someone that looks like me. It looks to be a girl. Her eyes are red. "Oh it ok. I didnt mean to scare you. I just. Surprised you look like me" ???: "you look like me tho?" Yeah. This is confusing. "Anyway. I'm sorry for scaring you. My name is frisk. The human" I hold out my hand. ???: "oh um" she grab my hand. Chara: "my name is Chara. The human"

Liquid: "I'll probably be switching between third person and frisk pov. But I hope you like this. Thanks for reading"

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