05: trying to adapt

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Yunho opens his eyes that morning with a throbbing headache at the back of his skull

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Yunho opens his eyes that morning with a throbbing headache at the back of his skull. It's how he's been waking up lately as his body isn't yet used to being in this human realm. The blinds in his room have been drawn, blocking out the harsh sunrise humans often have to deal with first thing in the morning.

Yunho sighs, and slowly sits up on the springy, wide bed. Even with its spacious size, Yunho's legs still dangle off the edge, so he has to curl a bit to get the most out of the thick covers.

His moon-touched elven blood allows him to see well even in the darkest of areas, and his eyes soon fall on the ring on the wooden table beside his bed (Gia called it a 'nightstand'). It shines a bit, its olive gem casting a gentle halo in the dark. This ring, named after his birth star Star 1117, is what connects him to the royal relatives of his kingdom. And whenever it shines gold instead of green, it means he's being searched after.

Its consistent olive hue means neither his father nor his brother have bothered trying to spiritually contact him.

Yunho isn't one to care a lot about what people think of him, preferring to utilize what little freedom he has as much as possible because it's what keeps him sane. His mother had loved that part of him that dared to oppose the restrictions placed on him, that part of him that wanted to live for himself.

But, she's gone now, and he's never going to see her in person or hug her ever again.

Yunho attempts brushing his fingers through his hair -- a nervous habit of his that his father had always reprimanded -- only to realize his hair's been styled in place, pulled into what Gia called a 'ponytail' when she'd done it for him yesterday evening after he'd bathed (showered).

He'd been quite nervous asking her for help ever since the fiasco on Tuesday, but Gia always assured him that whenever he needed her help with his hair, she would gladly be at his service.

Yunho doubts she'll be available now, probably still sleeping in her room or out doing the very same tasks that led him here.

Getting up, he puts on his slippers and stands upright, not at all used to how small the area is. He's slept in much bigger and grander rooms all his life, surrounded by the finest furnishings and the most colourful of fabrics. But here, everything is of a similar hue, a dull beige that's almost void of life.

He doesn't want to stay in this room any longer, lest he succumbs further to his worries and ever-present loneliness.

Yunho, figuring Gia's relative Mingi and his smaller friend San are most likely awake as well, tries pushing a few wayward strands into place as he's quite an active sleeper. He doesn't think he looks any more presentable than before, but he figures this will have to do.

Why do you care what they think of you? The voice in Yunho's head questions as he rams his ring up his finger, but the truth of the matter's that he just wants someone to talk to, they both look about his age, and San seemed interested in getting closer to him as well.

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