Chapter 2: The Encounter

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Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.


One of the definitions of sanity, itself, is the ability to tell real from unreal. Shall we need a new definition?

-ALVIN TOFFLER, Future Shock


Me and Karol followed James and Ramona to the street, where they were going to start the fireworks. I'm so excited! It's been a while since I've seen them. I think it was New Year's Day, when I last saw those. Either way, it doesn't matter, what matter's is right now!

I shared my opinions with Karol; "This is my first time seeing fireworks at night.

Karol responded in awe. "It's so... pretty!"Then cutely smiled.

"All right you two, stay right next to us." Ramona instructed us.

"Also, Brianna hold on to Karol okay." I nodded, then we all started when Karol said: "No fair! I'm no baby! I'm older now! Why does Brianna have to hold my hand, anyways? How come you can't, sis?"

"Uh.." Ramona shifted her eyes to James, and then back at us. "B-because... because..." Ramona dragged on, while Karol was wearing a pouted face. "Because by you holding Bri's hand, you prove yourself more grown up... or something.." Continued James.

I've noticed that my older brother, James, has a crush on Ramona. I thought it couldn't be anymore obvious. Of course, I didn't realized how right I was until he came in one night about the subject.


James peeked into my bedroom, and then stood there for a moment. "Brianna, you're a girl right?" He said, trying to start up the question he was really going to ask.

"Yeah, I thought you knew." I repiled teasingly with a smirk. "Sorry... um, I, uh... kind of... like someone.." He looked away, and scratched the back of him neck; trying to hide away his blushing face.

"What kind of 'like'? Like: like like?" I asked leaning in to get the latest scoop.

"Um... yeah..." He said sheepishly.

"Really!? How much!? Oh my gosh, this is great! Now my knowledge on teenage love quizzes in magazines, will come in handy! So who is she, what does she look like!?" I said with intensity and leaning towards my brother, waiting for him to spill the beans.

"Uh... she's the girl that lives near us..." He said sheepishly once more.

"Which one?" I asked with confusion, there were a few girls in the neighbor hood: Amanda, Christina, Jessica, my friends, and... something with a 'Ram' in it. Amanda seemed to be about 15 years old with the the way she dressed, Christina and Jessica are usually seen hanging out with her.

"I-I don't know her name - b-but she's really pretty! No, beautiful ~! She's really sweet too! I think she has a little sister, as well!" He stammered with day dreamy eyes at first, then reverted back to reality.

"Don't worry big bro, I know exactly know how to get you to hooked up with her!" I said nearly jumping up and down.

"N-No way! Well, at least not yet. What I mean is, I just want to be able to, ya know, talk to her." He anxiously.

"Oh that's all? That'll be easy! Just find out what she likes!" I said making it sound like it was not that difficult.

"But... HOW?"  He tried to emphasized to me.

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