Ch 9: "I'll wish you back" (Book finale)

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"Dear Striped Boy:

I hope you are doing well... Uhh... Wherever you are. It has been two weeks since you left, and I'm right now back in Bridgetown, visiting my Aunt Kate. But anyway.

Remember when we first met? I still owed you one for the notebook incident. We've come a long way since that, haven't we? It surprises me. We bonded so fast; it usually takes longer for me to get that much confidence with someone.

But yes, that's not my point."

As I walked out of the car, finally back home, I took a deep breath. It had been a month since I wrote that letter.

"I think you were right. I should focus a bit more on myself, and my own ambitions. As soon as I get enough money to pay for my career, I'll quit my job at the café and start studying Gastronomy at college. My ultimate goal is to open my own restaurant; maybe call it... Idk, I haven't thought of a name yet."

I got inside my room after a nice meal. We had started traveling around 4 a.m., so our arrival was near 2 p.m.
After all that, almost as soon as I started unpacking my stuff, Julie entered.

Julie: Hey! How's everything doing, Kit-Kat?

Kitty: Hi, it's... Fine, I guess. I don't know.

Julie: Still miss him?

Kitty: You have no idea.

"I'll think of you as a beautiful part of my life. Believe it or not, meeting you was a blessing for myself too. I finally know who I am and what I'm supposed to be. And I really hope you know what you want to do too. Either way, I'll still miss you a lot. But I know good things are not meant to last sometimes. I won't be upset it's over; I'll probably just keep going, hoping I'll see you again anytime."

We were both unpacking my stuff, and putting all my clean clothes inside my closet, while the dirty ones went straight into the washing machine. We decided to also take out some old garments and put them aside to give them away later.

As we dedicated our time to that task, I grabbed one of my favorite clothes. It was a pink hoodie, with two pockets on its sides. It was a bit dirty for some reason, so I decided to take it out and check its pockets before sending it to laundry. To my surprise, I found a marble and a couple of tree leaves. It brought me some memories, memories where I was with him, running under the rain with just that one hoodie to cover us. I smiled while putting the items inside a drawer, then kept organizing my stuff.

"Whatever the future has in hold for us, I'll accept it. But if I see you again, nothing is going to stop me from embracing you like that last time. It will be just me and you, and I won't let go again, okay? Well, unless you want me to, of course. I promise."

Julie: We are officially done now. Hooray. Say, do you want to binge-watch a series? Maybe a K-Drama, I promise it won't be boring this time. Though I don't know why you didn't want to keep watching "Doom at your service". I swear it gets really good after the first thirty minutes! Let's give it a chance now, what do you say?

She then noticed I had zoned out, as I sat on the floor and stared at that letter. Coincidentally, I was on that same spot. The same one I occupied when Tigry first kissed me.

Like I said, I had written that letter a month ago.
But I was never bold enough to send it.

Julie put a hand on my shoulder, bringing me back into reality.

Julie: Hey. Kit-Kat, he will be okay.

I looked at her, then sighed.

Kitty: I know, Julie, I know.

Then I looked at the letter again.

Kitty: But I'll still miss him.

She looked at the letter as well, analyzed it, nodded a bit and then spoke.

Julie: "I'll wish you back." That reminds me of a song... I know, I'll show it to you! Maybe you'll feel better after hearing it, it may comfort you a lot!

Kitty: Uhh... Okay, why not?

I wondered why she thought a song would make it all better, not knowing it would later become my crying-over-Tigry soundtrack.

"I can't help feeling like I have to be blamed for all this. I left you with no choice but to go to who-knows-where to do who-knows-what kind of stuff in the military. I'll be honest, it scares me a bit. I won't know about your situation anymore, and it's not something I'm used to. Not right now.

I understand. You didn't want to leave, you had to. Now I must learn to move on. It's what you want for me after all, isn't it? Right back at you, Striped Boy. Wink wink.

And yeah... I really like you too. But if it's better this way, I'll let it be.

I'll now say goodbye to you, dear... Friend? Acquaintance? Boyfrie-? No, I won't... That did not get to happen, but maybe sometime. I really hope you are able to find yourself out there, and whenever you return, if you do, I'll be waiting with my arms wide open. Until then, Striped Boy, I'll wish you back.


P.D: OwO"


This concludes the main plot of the fic. :D

I am finally done with this one, though the ending was a bit short and rushed- Anyway, I'll be posting the epilogue soon, stay tuned!

Wish You Back (Tigry X Kitty) Piggy AUWhere stories live. Discover now