Chapter 5

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All three zombies lay on the floor, blood painting the floor with a thick coat. Latrell pants bat laid down on a desk bent over hands on his knees. "That was a lot of work" he says through gasps . Jason grabs the bat and walks over to the door stepping over the two dead men. Peeking out into the hall searching for any signs of those things. He sees two corpses(already eaten), he walks back to the group and lays the bat down on the desk. "Looks like our friends here had an early lunch" gestures over to the two dead bodies that lay before them. Latrell recovers and grabs the bat standing straight up. Examining the faces of his classmates they were all afraid, he took a second glance they all looked directly at him as if they were waiting for him to tell them what to do next like in the movies. He waited for the same thing; "could i lead them?" he thought to himself. "Could i be like those heroes in the movies " and without even knowing his question was answered. He looks around the room seeing the fear in their eyes; "I'm the only one they have. Looks it's to nut up or shut up." He thinks to himself. Grabbing his bag he strengthens his grip on the bat and walks towards the door. Jason and Delilah look at each other then back at Latrell both taking a minute then shrug following behind. The lockers were painted the darkest of reds with tidbits of what looks like little bits of meat; Jason looks at it and covers his mouth trying not to vomit from the sight. The class follows close behind latrell was in front of the pack two to three feet in front of everyone else; Delilah speed walks to catch up to him managing to walk up to his left side. He says nothing just stays silent as she looks at him trying to get a single word out of him.

"Latrell talk to me this isn't the best time to clam up on me we need to make up a plan" she says as if she was his mother. Latrell continues looking forward doesn't even look in her direction. "Serously the silent treatment Latrell real mature you know what you're so childish i can't belive yo...". Latrell grabs her by arm and pulls her to the right of him then one swift motion cracks a zombie in the jaw; the zombie drops to the floor groaning and moaning Latrell gets on top of it and beats its face in with the bat. Delilah swallows her pride all in one gulp looking at him bash the zombies face in. The back spatterfrom his blows just barely miss her but drops from of the hell spawns blood paint her pants and shirt.Jason pulls Latrell off the zombies face was caved in completely and there was blood dripping off the bat from the blood Latrells face and torso were painted with its blood. Jason put his hand on Latrell's shoulder turning him around mumbling something to him that Delilah couldn't make out what they were saying something about "protecting her". What was their plan were they going to let these people die to protect her or were they saving everybody, she didn't know and she was scared, she's never seen Latrell get like that at all not even over her or did he...? She rememebers she told Latrell and Jason her ex boyfriend cheated on her the next week she saw him in the hallway his face was busted and he was limping heavily. Did they do this regularly? Are her two best friends monsters and she didn't know it? But those were questions she had to wait to ask her priorities had to be straight she couldn't keep worrying about how well she knew her friends.

Jason and Latrell break their little huddle and turn to the crowd. "Guys what we are right now is a moving buffet, only one of us has a weapon and the rest are just moving targets." Latrell says. "Look on the ground for knives, and other weapons if you don't find one stay close to those who do and don't straggle there's strength in groups remember that. You go anywhere tell someone in the group so we can make sure everyone is accounted for." he says the serious tone made everyone worry but feel a bit safer knowing they had found their leader. Latrell walks over to Delilah handing her a switch blade with a 3 inch blade. "Keep this at your sides at all times. Won't be good in a crowd of those freaks but it's good in a pinch." he says handing it to her. She nods and gently grabs it there hands touching, he grasps it a bit tighter so she can't take it yet; his eyes meets hers and he says softly. "Protect yourself Delilah keep it safe keep it close" he says with a soft worrying tone.

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