Chapter 6

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The 3rd floor of the main building was a massacre the once cocoa colored floor was now a dark red tint. The students of the 4th floor hallway looked in horror at the many carcasses on the floor, some of the faces barely recognizable from being ripped apart. Some of the students were horrified but managed to tiptoe through the graveyard without an issue, others were hysterical and running down the other flight of stairs yelling being dragged to the ground by zombies and being feasted on like a 10 piece bucket from KFC.

The trio and a few of their fellow classmates tiptoed through seeing the classrooms littered with blood and flesh, some still had people inside some alive trying to get out others had already become victims of the kill. Latrell tightens the grip on his bat and feels his stomach sunk when he heard a loud animistic growl come from behind him and then another, then another and many more followed.   

"RUN!!!" Latrell yells as zombies started funneling out of the classroom towards the group. Latrell gets to the stairs and turns waiting for his friends and watches in horror as one by one the students got taken to the ground and feasted on. A blonde girl was tripped by her boyfriend she gripped his shirt and took him down with her, the zombies tore directly into him and  she managed to weasel her way out. 

The group runs down the stairs and there's another large horde in the middle of the hallway they cut hard right and down the next flight of stairs no one wanting to turn around to look at the hell behind them. The main entrance was on the second floor (the first floor being the basement) they run up the curved hallway toward the door security was trying to fight back two zombies at the same time as more walked threw the door. Latrell stopped the group stopping behind him Delilah and Jason walk up next to him, he looked around analyzing the situation, he watched as the horde brought the security guard to the ground feasting on his flesh, like a thanksgiving turkey his screams filled the room. 

"Okay so the front door is not an option, anyone else has any bright ideas " Jason says looking behind them seeing the zombies from the third floor coming towards them. More started piling through the front door going towards them, there was a hallway going past the library that lead to an exit by the auditorium that was their only hope.

"To the auditorium hopefully they didn't lock that door" he said pointing towards the door. The group ran past the front door as the security guard reached out for them to help him Delilah looked at him the horror on his face as they ripped him open, ripping her eyed away the familiar sting of tears devolping in her eyes was back.

Running down the hallway they saw more of there fellow class mates banging on the door of the locked auditorium doors. There was an assembly inside and they were locked in there with the infected. A student's face gets grabbed by the collar as teeth sunk into his neck his blood painted the window a red and the banging silenced.

Latrell lowered his shoulder bursting through the door breathing the sweet air of outside, those who made it followed, some had their hands on their knees panting trying to regain whatever stamina they had left. One girl was sitting in the grass rocking back and fourth her knees in her chest as she cried, another kid was vomiting on the side of the building, Jason was pacing back and fourth freaking out but everyone else was quiet.

"What the hell was that? What happened to everyone did they just go fucking nuts all on one day?  And how the fuck did that kid come back to life he was fucking dead, and latrell you fucking killed someone oh my god oh my fucking god you fucking killed someone. What the hell are we going to do?" He said loudly paving back and fourth occasionally turning to latrell and Delilah during his rant. 

No one said a word didn't even look at him, he was right to freak out. Latrell was sitting against the building looking up at the sky thinking about how his mom was right now, she could've been in traffic on her way to one of her clients,  how was his dad he was at the resturaunt what if one of his customers turned into one of those things, and grandma she was at home but what if one of those things got inside.

Delilah sat next to him and put her hand on his knee squeezing it. "You alright there LT?" She asked looking concerned. He didn't look at her just at the people around him the broken souls around him, at his best friend panicking and he couldn't help but to ask the same questions everyone else was. For whatever reason these people looked up to him and he needed to address them before they really panicked but as much as he tried to think of something to say the more he realized that this was hopeless. Delilah stood up and turned holding her handing out to him, he looked at it for a second and then took it using it to get to his feet.

Walking to the center of the group their eyes all followed him even Jason stopped pacing and just looked at his friend.

"Look I have no idea what the hell just happened either, and I don't know how bad it is out  there but first things first we have to get home and make sure our families are okay. Does anyone besides myself and Jason live on this side of town?" No one raised there hand they all lived on opposite sides of town. 

"Then we go to my house see if we can get our parents on the phone there and may be find out what the hell is going on" everyone nodded and those on the floor got up those who were crying wiped their tears. The zombies started banging on the door behind them it was only a matter of time before they figured out how the door opened. "Alright let's get the hell out of here before anyone else ends up a happy meal" he says tossing the bat up onto his shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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