2nd time's the charm

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After a long conversation with Mark, we decided to meet up that night to work on our assignment. We had to make up a conversation in French, record it and play it to the class. It wasn't just a lot of work, it was also worth a lot of marks.
After Matt made his hasty exit, I sat down in his vacated seat after a few minutes to keep talking with the guys, and was happy to find that Nick and Chris were much warmer and more welcoming to me than their colder brother. I asked about their classes and other things, and Chris seemed the most curious about me. After a while, he asked if my boyfriend went to our uni too, to which the other guys immediately mocked him for how pointed the question was, but Chris only laughed along and said he wasn't necessarily asking for himself. All his curious questions didn't give me the impression he was into me, maybe he was just a curious guy. Or maybe he had noticed me looking at Matt.
Our uni library didn't keep long hours, which Mark and I both hadn't realized until we met at the doors well after 8, and found it was closed and we had nowhere to work on our project.
"Shit, where should we go?" I asked in frustration.
"There's a coffee shop down the street that's open late, we can go there," Mark suggested easily.
"I know that place, but it's so crowded all the time," I responded, which was true. It was loud and hard to find an empty table, but I kept the real reason for not wanting to go to myself. It was an expensive shop, and I wasn't exactly flushed for cash these days. I was embarrassed by that, so "crowded" was an easy white lie.
"We can go to my place, work at the kitchen table. It's not far from here," he offered.
"Alright we can do that," I said on a breath. "You have a real kitchen table?" I asked in a teasing way.
"With 4 working chairs," he replied smiling, already heading in a new direction.

Matt"Nick, can you shut the fuck up please?" I exclaimed, desperate for this guy to just fucking listen to me

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"Nick, can you shut the fuck up please?" I exclaimed, desperate for this guy to just fucking listen to me. We were brainstorming for our upcoming podcast, and he wouldn't let me finish a sentence. "Like holy shit, let me talk!"
"Matt I already know wtf you're trying to say, I'm past that," he responded as he wrote something we'd just said on the whiteboard. I was leaning against the kitchen table while he wrote down exactly what I wasn't going to say. I heard the front door open and a faint voice, so I headed over to the entrance.
"Chris, thank god. Can you tell Nick-" my words cut off. I was expecting to ask Chris to help me out here, when instead I found our roommate Mark, and the deep brown eyes of a girl I wasn't ready to interact with yet. She'd been looking around the entrance grasping her surroundings when my approach yanked her attention to me and our eyes met for the second time that day. It must have lasted a split second, but I felt myself buzz as our gazes connected and a small smile bloomed on her lips.
"Oh- hey. I thought you were Chris," I stammered out. I didn't expect to see her again, let alone this quickly and in this close quarters. I looked back to Mark who was all smiles.
"The library was closed so I said Ella and I could work here," he explained.
"Oh okay...come in," I replied as I pushed my hair out of my eyes before it flopped down again. Ella's long hair was up in a ponytail now, falling around her shoulders gracefully, and I was immediately invaded by the image of it wrapped around my hand.
"Thanks," was all she said with a sweet smile. I finally turned and walked back to the kitchen.
"Matt just listen okay," Nick started, and all thoughts of what we'd been arguing about were gone. I needed something to do with my hands. I grabbed a glass of water, which thankfully Mark offered Ella because I'd completely forgotten to do that. When Nick greeted her, it was with a lot more charisma and confidence than I felt. I sat at the table with my awkward water and pretended to be on my phone while they spoke, glancing up every now and then. Ella seemed to smile and speak effortlessly. Unexpectedly, the longer she spent in our kitchen, the more I relaxed. She seemed to fit in seamlessly, and she carried with her a sense of calm that slowly started to seep into me. Her voice, her words, even her smile. Then she said my name.

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