Bruce x Tony

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A/N: Hi friends, I'm so sorry it's been so long since I've updated. Life has been crazy and I haven't been in the best headspace for writing. That being said, I decided to work on this request because it sounded fun and very doable lol Enjoy!

CW: alcohol mention

Requested by: KazzyBear__


Tony had been having a very long week. Mission after mission, he'd been left completely burnt out. He just wanted to be little and relax for the weekend and not have to be the one to take care of anyone else. So after he got home from what he hoped would be his last mission, at least for the day, he got all his little gear out and set up for a nice, relaxing night in littlespace.

The relaxing vibe didn't last long, however. He'd tried and tried for two hours to get himself to slip but he couldn't do it. In his frustration, he gave up with a huff and went up to the main floor of the Avengers Tower where he knew his friends would be.

" Oh hey, babe, I thought you were stayin' in tonight? What're you doin' down here?" Bruce asked, concerned at how upset he looked. Tony waved him off and went to the kitchen to grab a snack and a drink.

Bruce watched as Tony dragged himself to the fridge and just stared into it. " You ok, bud? Are you small?" hearing the concern in Bruce's voice made Tony want to cry. He wanted to be little so bad and he knew he'd slip if he had help but he didn't want to feel like a burden on anyone, especially his partner who was just as exhausted. " No, couldn't slip. Just gonna drink and pass out for the night," he mumbled.

Before Bruce could protest, the elevator opened and Natasha, Steve, and Bucky walked out. Bruce took his attention off of Tony for a moment to greet his friends. " Hey guys, how was the gym?" he asked.

" It was good until Mr. Show Off here broke the squat rack," Natasha said, pointing to Steve. " How the hell did you manage that?" Tony joined in.

Steve shrugged and answered, " I may or may not have thrown a weight a little too hard and it hit the rack and broke it." Bucky laughed at how nonchalant he was. " Babe, you chucked it at the wall. What exactly did you expect to happen?" again, Steve shrugged.

" I expected our equipment, that's literally made for superhuman strength, could withstand my superhuman strength." Tony zoned out after that. He was too busy wishing he was little and getting attention and cuddles from his daddy.


Tony was in his lab tinkering away at a new project. He'd heard the sound of the door opening but he ignored it. He wasn't exactly in the mood to deal with people. Not being able to regress makes him frustrated which makes him cranky which makes him anti-social.

He heard footsteps coming towards him but, again, he ignored them. " Hey, baby boy, why don't you put that down and come watch some cartoons with daddy?" Bruce said, trying to coax his little into slipping.

" I'm not little, Bruce. Stop trying to make me regress, I'm busy." Honestly, he wanted so badly just to let go and be taken care of. However, Tony being Tony decided to start a new project and now he was in too deep.

Bruce didn't give up, though. He knew when his baby needed to be tiny and he was not going to let him be big when it was clear he didn't want to be. " Aw, you don't want daddy to give you kisses and cuddles?" he walked over to Tony, standing behind him and gently rubbing his arms.

" N-no, I'm too busy. Maybe later," there it was. Just that little stutter showed Bruce his efforts were paying off. " Come on, sweetheart, be a good boy for me and just relax for the night. I know you've had a long week. Little ones like you need to be cuddled and loved and praised after working so hard. Just let daddy take care of you, bubba."

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