PLATONIC Tony x Peter

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A/N: Heyyyy y'all haha been a minute but I'm back!! For the moment. I'm making no promises but I do want to try and start updating again. Sooo enjoy this long overdue update!


To say Peter had been through a lot would be an understatement. At the age of 16, he'd gone through more than anyone should in their entire life. So, to aid the trauma he's endured over the years, he age regresses. He loves the cozy and warm feelings it gives him to pop a paci in his mouth and put on his favorite cartoons (usually Paw Patrol). Naturally, living with Tony made it a little difficult to hide his coping mechanism. He'd hidden it pretty well for the first few weeks but one night after a particularly difficult nightmare, he'd woken up small and screaming. Obviously, FRIDAY alerted Tony of his distress and that was when he found out about Peter's lifestyle. From there, after doing lots and lots of research, Tony asked if he could be Peter's platonic caregiver to which Peter excitedly accepted.

Fast forward six months to now, Peter was having a tough night. They had both had a very long week of missions and they were exhausted. Unlike his caregiver, Peter wasn't used to being sleep-deprived. Sure he'd had his fair share of all-nighters but he never did well with them. He always ended up feeling sick, grumpy, and tiny afterward.

Tony was, of course, totally fine after getting a total of 10 hours of sleep for the week. Peter not so much. " Petey, I'm not telling you again, you have to eat some dinner. Then we're having a bath and going to bed. Come on, baby, daddy isn't sure how much of this fit he can take." the caregiver knew Peter was only acting out because he was tired and overwhelmed. Going on missions always brings back some really awful memories for Peter and that mixed with his exhaustion was just a ticking time bomb. A time bomb that just so happened to go off right when Tony's exhaustion started to catch up to him as well.

" No! I don' wanna!" Peter screamed.

" Alright, alright. What is it that you want then, hm?" the question stumped Peter. He wasn't actually sure what he wanted. For a moment, the screams died down while he thought it over. Honestly, the things his caregiver was offering him sounded nice. His tummy was growling, he was cold, and he was tired. So a meal, a bath, and bedtime sounded nice. Why was he throwing a fit?

" I...dunno," he answered softly. A small whine escaped his lips as he reached up to be held. He wanted his daddy, that sounded like what would help the most. " Aw, does spidey boy want some lovin'? C'mere bubba, lemme hold ya." Tony picked him up and cuddled him close, just as Peter liked. He liked it when Tony cuddled him because he always made sure to hold him tight and secure. It made him feel very safe and protected.

" You just needed some cuddle time, huh?" Peter nodded, snuggling impossibly closer to his caregiver. " Aw honey, you're ok, I'm here. If we stay like this for a bit can you be a good boy for me and let me feed you and get you a nice warm bath?" again Peter nodded. His fit somehow made him even more tired so he didn't have any energy left to fight.


After a nice meal of fruit and a dinosaur-shaped peanut butter and jelly sandwich, the little was back to giggling at Tony's silly little jokes. Tony was pretending to drink out of Peter's favorite sippy cup. " Daddy you being silly! You not the baby, I the baby! Da sippy mine," the little giggled.

" Oh my bad, baby boy, I thought this was my sippy!" Tony said, putting the sippy back down and kissing Peter on the forehead. " No daddy have no sippies, dey all Petey's sippies! Daddy have big kid cups."

" You're right, kiddo, daddy does have his own cups. I'm only teasin' ya, cutie. Now, let's have that bath, yeah?" to Tony's surprise, Peter complied without a fuss. He reached up for his caregiver to hold him. He's a baby, he couldn't possibly walk to the bathroom.

" Alright, up ya go," Peter giggled as he was lifted into Tony's arms. Immediately, he wrapped his arms around the older's neck and snuggled up close. " You're so cuddly tonight, baby. You must've really needed daddy's attention." all Peter did in response was hug Tony tighter, borderline too tight. He might be a baby but he does still have super strength.

Once they got to the bathroom, the little was sat on the counter while his caregiver ran his bath water and filled the tub with lavender-scented bubbles (Peter's favorite). He sat and patiently waited there while Tony grabbed him a soft onesie to sleep in and a plain light blue paci to use in the bath.

" Paci for the baby," Tony said, slipping the pacifier into Peter's mouth. " Ready for bath time?" when Peter nodded, Tony began to undress him. Starting with his Ironman-themed shirt. " Arms up, kiddo," he said, slipping his shirt up and over his head. He tickled Peter's tummy, earning a small giggle and whine of protest from the boy.

" Nooo daddy no tickle!" he giggled. Tony was happy to see his happy baby again. It was always nice when he could make him feel better after such a tough week. " Ok ok, no more tickles for the baby. Daddy just loves to hear those cute little giggles!" he said, giving the boy a few kisses on his cheeks and forehead.


" Alright, Petey, time to get out. Now it's time to have a story and some sleepy time cuddles." Peter was, again, too sleepy to argue so he let himself be scooped up in a fluffy towel straight from the dryer. He loved how Tony always made sure he used a warm towel after bath time, it made the transition from warm water to cold air much nicer.

He stood on the rug allowing Tony to dry his hair and get him dressed in his cozy pajamas. " There we go, now we just gotta brush your teeth and then we can get to bed, ok? You want some help or do you wanna do it yourself?" he asked, already sure of the answer. Peter lazily pointed to Tony, asking for help to brush his teeth. His arms were far too tired to brush his own teeth.

" You got it, bubba," the caregiver said, putting bubblegum-flavored toothpaste on his toothbrush. " Ok baby, say ah," Peter did as told, opening his mouth and letting Tony brush his pretty smile.

" Alright, spidey boy, all done. Up ya go," Tony picked Peter up with ease, walking him to his bedroom. He set him down in the bed and covered him in warm fluffy blankets. Before he crawled in next to Peter, he made sure to grab his favorite book and stuffie, Eddie. Eddie was extra special because he was given to Peter by May when he was little. He had a few favorites, some from MJ and a few from Ned most of them from Tony, but Eddie was always number one.

" Can't forget Eddie, can we?" he said, tucking the stuffie under Peter's arm. Once the baby was all settled, Tony laid down on top of the covers letting him snuggle up against him. " Alright, you comfy, sweet boy?" Peter nodded with a sleepy (and adorable) smile.

Tony opened the storybook and began reading, slow and quiet but still with silly voices every once in a while. This was always Peter's favorite part of bedtime. He loved how soft Tony's voice was when he read to him, it made him feel safe and sleepy.

The book came to an end and, to no one's surprise, Peter was out like a light already. Tony wasn't quite ready to leave yet so he stayed lying next to Peter, petting his hair and occasionally kissing him on the head. He was so happy that he could help the little hero. Being an Avenger is not for the faint of heart and Peter was the youngest one. He barely had a childhood before he got his abilities and so many tragic things had already happened to him. He deserved to get those years back.

Every Avenger has their coping skills, some healthier than others. Tony was just glad his coping skill was safe and he was especially glad to be welcomed into such an important part of Peter's life. Being his caregiver even helped him with his own struggles. He'd noticed that his anxiety wasn't so bad when he had a little one to take care of. It provided him with a good distraction and it helped to feel like he had a little control back in his life. He'd even stopped drinking as much. Since Peter was regressed so often, he didn't feel comfortable with his mind being fuzzy from the alcohol.

So, just as much as he saved Peter, Peter saved him. He loved his little hero so much. ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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