Chapter 11

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The next day Hannah woke next to Alistair whom seemed to have grown more agitated and distant. Hannah snook out from under his arm. Which now felt like a captive hold than a warm embrace.  She entered the shower to was off the self hatred and used feeling she had. 

The TV had been replaced so she turned on the smart tv options and clicked on Netflix. She used the guest and found some junk to watch. She didn't care what it was only wanting it for background noise.  She heard Alistair 's  mobile ring and him stir to get up.  Her heart began to race, "What if she had done something else to annoy him and that Ouija board might have been it. He hadn't returned till early and have given her the key to get back to the cottage.  She hoped he wouldn't find out about what she had happened with Ouija board as he scrambled into bed with her later.  Drunk and smelling like he'd been in a tussle. 

Hannah snapped into the here and now, when she heard movement upstairs and Alistair 's voice mumble on the phone and the mattress move under the weight of his body. Hannah didn't move she just say there hoping he find her up. He then swore and three the phone across the room, the sudden clunk of it hitting something made Hannah jump and start to panic. Her hands where sweating and her heart was pounding as she say silent. Every part of her knew something was wrong but she didn't know what. She kept telling herself over and over again that she was over reacting. The toilet flushed and he went back to bed. Hannah waiting for a while before dearing to make herself a drink. "I'll have a coffee too." He called down the stairs. Hannah did as she was told. Before she had a chance to take it up to him he had walked downstairs in his pants and took the coffee. "Try and keep the noise down I have a hangover." Was another he said before disappearing back upstairs. Hannah noticed the scratches on his neck and bruised arm but didn't dare say anything. 

Hannah waited until he had settled back down before she left the couch. The keys where still in the counter too by the plant. She picked them up and unlocked the door. Seeing the rain outside she grabbed the coat she had been using. The one she had found in her wardrobe  when she first arrived. She quickly walked the end of the road. Not sure where to go next she just randomly selected an direction a began to walk. Not sure where she was going or how she was going to get anywhere from where she was only knowing she had to go now. 

 "Hannah." She heard a voice call out as a car rolled up beside. It was then that she remembered where she was. "Hannah, you shouldn't be out in the rain like this."  It was Alistair's uncle . He leaned opened the door for her to get in. Hannah feeling she didn't have much choice got into. 

 "Did I make a wrong turn?" She asked and then smiled. 

 "You where lucky I bumped into you, it's a long way to the village on foot." He joked. 

 " it all looks the same in the countryside. " Hannah replied. "Alistair is still hungover and being a grouch."  Hannah told him. "I was going to see what the others where doing and have some fun." 

He pulled the car in front of the main house all the others where say in the parlour talking and watching TV. She noticed Ella wasn't there but said nothing. "Why don't you all have some time in the pool?"

 Hannah agreed "That does sound fun." They all got up and walked with  Hannah to get dressed for the pool. "Is Ella still in bed with a hangover? " Hannah asked.

She left. " one of the girls said.

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