Chapter 2

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As soon as Ember knew she was out of sight, she slowed down so, She was walking and not running. As she walked, She looked down at the cupcake she had managed to swipe with a bittersweet smile on her face. Ember was lucky she hadn't been spotted, if she had then things would have been bad.

Ember walked to the small clearing she had found years ago while exploring the woods. The clearing had a small pond with a stream of water flowing into it. This made it look like there was a waterfall. There were a few rocks around and some flowers as well, it was peaceful, something Ember always needed.

Sometimes she would grab a couple of books and sneak away, She would then spend the entire day in this clearing. Ember sat down on the ground and leaned back against a tree as she slowly ate the cupcake, savoring its taste.

Ember watched the water flow into the small pond and felt her eyelids start to drop, she hadn't got much sleep the night before. Ember decided there wasn't anything wrong with taking a small nap in the clearing. It wasn't anything that she hadn't done before after all.

She lied down on the ground with a small smile as she slowly drifted off to sleep.


Ember wasn't sure where she was, the last thing she remembered was walking to her special clearing in the woods and now she was in some huge library that looked like it cost a fortune to maintain.

Ember looked around the room in awe, there were more books than in the Potter Library here. Her hands twitched, she wanted to grab a book and start to read but where to start?

"Oh, Hello who might you be?"

Ember turned around fast to stare at the person who had come out of nowhere.

The woman wore muggle-looking clothes but her aura felt powerful, there was no way this woman was a muggle so Ember decided to be cautious. "I'm Ember." She responded to the woman who gave a small smile.

"Well young Ember, my name is Fiona. What brings you to my Libray?" Ember was surprised, "This is your library? It's so big!" Fiona laughed, "Why thank you, I pride myself on having the biggest library in the universe."

Fiona stared at Ember for a second before smiling slightly, "I think I know why you're here, follow me." Turning she started walking down one of the rows of books, Ember rushed to keep up with her curiosity. If Ember herself didn't know how or why she was here, then how did Fiona?

Fiona led Ember around the library for half an hour, Ember was really confused about where they were going. Was Fiona lost? The place was really big, but then again this was Fiona's library, she most likely knew her way around.

Soon enough they walked up to a book that was on a pedestal, it was under a glass case that Fiona lifted up. "Now young Ember, this book is very special. It will help you learn more about yourself, take it." Ember looked at her shocked, was she really giving Ember a book that looked important? This book looked like it had been around for more than one thousand years, maybe more.

And yet, Fiona was just giving it to Ember?

"What's the catch?"

"No catch, just make sure to never let anyone play you like a fiddle."

Ember hesitated before slowly taking the book, "Thank you ma'am."

"One more thing before you go, young Ember"

Ember looked at Fiona curious, what was going on now? "Take this gem." Fiona waved her hand and when she held it out to Ember there was a shard of a green gem in it. It looked like someone had shattered the gem and Fiona was giving her a piece of it. "Thank you ma'am."

Ember gently picked up the gem, when she did the world started to blur together, "Young Ember, when you awaken please check the pond near where you are sleeping for there is where you will find the gem I have given you. Make me proud young one."

"Happy Birthday, little Gem."

That was the last thing she heard before her world went black.


Ember woke up with a gasp once again, she sat up surprised when she felt something fall off of her. Glancing down her eyes widened when she saw the book that she had been given in her dream just lying there.

Ember then remembered what she had been told before she woke up and, rushed to the pond in search of the sliver of gem she had been given. It took a few minutes but, soon enough, she spotted it at the bottom of the pond. She spent a few more minutes trying to reach it without needing to get in the pond before she huffed, puffing out her cheeks when she realized she wouldn't be able to grab the shard without jumping in.

Ember shrugged out of her robes before jumping into the pond and swimming down the bottom, where she gently picked up the shard and swam back up to the surface. As soon as she was on dry land, she gasped as she felt pain in her chest.

She cried out when the shard floated out of her hand and launched itself at her chest, she was shocked when it didn't impale her but instead absorbed itself into her.

Ember gripped her chest as the pain made her pass out.

Ember had no idea that at this moment, her body was changing into something powerful, something amazing.

You see, the shard wasn't from a simple gem like an emerald, no it was part of a rare green diamond. Green diamonds are both very, very rare and very expensive. Of all diamonds cut into polished gems in any given year, a very small number of them will have a dominant green color. Diamonds with a natural green color are rare enough that many people have never seen one.

But this wasn't just any shard of a green diamond, no. It was a shard of an alien race that was made up entirely of Gems. Sadly all of the Gems had been wiped out of existence ages ago, long before the earth started recording history. No one on the planet had any clue that there was once a race out there made out of magical rocks.

The shard of green diamond was one of the only things left behind to even hint at the Gem kind's existence.

Ember's body was changing, her magic absorbed the shard and somehow made Ember change, she was no longer completely human. She was now a Human, Gem, hybrid. It was up to Ember to bring back Gem kind and find a new home for them.

Ember now had a green diamond sitting in her chest, the growing of the diamond was what caused her all the pain and made her pass out. Her hair now had small streaks of green in it and she wouldn't know until she looked in a mirror, her eyes now had triangles in the place her pupils used to be.

10 hours later

Ember's eyes snapped open an eerie glow, she shot up and felt her chest that was still sore. She gasped when she felt something hard under her hand that was embedded into her chest. It was too dark to see what it was so she put her robes back on, grabbed the book that was still on the ground, and snuck back home.

Ember waited until she was in her room before she decided to look at what was in her chest. She put the book on her bed and walked to the bathroom and gasped, her hair was now black with green streaks in it and her eyes were glowing slightly. Her pupils had changed to look like triangles.

She shook herself out of her surprise and looked down at her chest as she took off her robe and gasped.

Sitting in the middle of her chest like it belonged there was a giant, green diamond.

What had happened to her?

Ember Potter and the Secret of the GemsWhere stories live. Discover now