Chapter 30

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It was the night before Ember would take the train back to Hogwarts and she was lying in bed trying to get some sleep but she wasn't having an easy time of it. She kept tossing and turning, not able to find a comfortable enough position to fall asleep in. She felt high-strung and she didn't know why!

Eventually, after half an hour of tossing and turning, she sat up and called for Bippy who brought her a dreamless sleep when she asked for it. Ember didn't use these potions often, they could be addicting but she needed her rest for tomorrow, and one once in a while wouldn't hurt her. It was only when you took a dreamless sleep several days in a row that it started negatively affecting a person after all.

She sighed at the fact that she had to resort to using a potion to get some sleep before she drank it as fast as she could and layed down. The potion started working within moments, she felt her eyelids get heavier and heavier before they finally closed and she drifted off into sleep.

When she opened her eyes again she was in the white void, her eyes widened in shock. The dreamless potion was supposed to send a person into a dreamless sleep so what was going on?

She spotted the four women she had seen last time, the four were facing away from her so none of them had spotted her yet.

Ember didn't know if she should stay silent or let the older woman know she was there. In the end, she didn't have to choose because the shortest one turned around, clearly feeling Ember's eyes on them. The second she spotted her the pink gem squealed and ran over to Ember and scooped her up into a hug.

Her actions caught the attention of the other diamonds as the three of them turned to look at what caused their younger sister to act like this.

Blue smiled softly when she saw the organic diamond hybrid had returned, she would admit that she had been quite worried for the younger gem. She had been worried sick about her, hearing that someone had tried to shatter the newly created diamond when she was still young had come as a shock.

She could only be thankful that whoever had tried to shatter her new youngest sister had failed. If she ever found out who had tried to shatter her, and was ever able to get out of this white void of a prison, she would make them wish they had never been formed.

Yellow's shoulders relaxed minutely when she spotted Green Diamond in Pink's arms, she would never admit it but she too, like Blue, had been worried for the smaller diamond. Who knew what kind of danger the little one was in?

She eyed up the smaller diamond and frowned, while she looked to be in good shape she could also use some more training. She would have to work with White and Green to figure out how Green could appear here and then help her learn how to come here willingly.

After that Yellow would work on a training schedule with the smaller diamond, she might have to shapeshift to be around the same size as Green but she was willing to do so.

White held back a chuckle when she saw how excited Pink was to see Green. Pink had always been the more excitable of the four older diamonds, she must be so happy to have a younger sister, one that was closer to her in age than Pink was to Blue.

White would have to instruct Green on how to create new gems from the surface of other planets, Green would have to be the one to revive Homeworld, and maybe one day she would find a way to bring the four older diamonds back to life.

She did realize that Ember already knew how to make gems, she didn't remember that the organic diamond had mentioned offhandedly that she already had a Pearl and a Jasper. White also had no clue that there was a new, better way, to make new gems that didn't involve destroying other planets full of life.

Ember Potter and the Secret of the GemsWhere stories live. Discover now