Chapter 10

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"I..." Jay clenched his fist. He doesn't want to. "I think it's best if we just broke up. Your so hard... I can't. Damn it!" Jay can't help but cry. Everything happening to them is just so complicated. He is really trying his best to understand Jungwon. But shouldn't the latter at least compromise. 

"Ahh.. You want to break up with me? I hate you, Jay hyung. You don't need to dump me. I'm dumping you." Jungwon said with his usual stern face. Jay just stood there frozen. The tears his been holding was now overflowing. "Jungwon, let's forget this. We are both angry that is why we are not in our rational state..." Jay was cut off. "Just leave! Go wherever the hell you want. I fucking hate you! You are no better than them. You are a scumbag too." Jungwon shouted angrily, throwing his stuffs on the floor destroying it. Jay got startled by it and tried his best to stop the latter before he completely destroyed everything in his room. Jungwon finally able to stop when Jay engulfed him in an embrace. Jungwon cried his heart out in his boyfriends broad shoulders. Not long after he finally calmed down and fall into a slumber. They were now cuddling in bed with Jay staring intently to his lover. He is now having suspicions why does the innocent, cute and kind-hearted kid that likes him became like this. There must be a story behind it and he is very eager to know that. Jungwon probably fell first but he definitely fall harder. He is willing to do everything to help the one he loves.

Sunoo sighed for the umpteenth time today. It's kind of strange that his Heeseung hyung is not giving him any attention at all. Even though they bump into each other and saw each other. Heeseung would act as if he didn't saw Sunoo. Now, he is just in the field watching his Heeseung hyung playing a soccer. He even made a banner with a written encouraging note saying: Go Heeseung hyung! You're the best! Love, your Sunshine. He is hoping that with this Heeseung would finally talk to him and he'll definitely ask if he did something that upsets him and ask for his forgiveness. He doesn't know why he is doing this either. Maybe he doesn't want to lose a good friend, that's what he believe.

Heeseung actually noticed his presence starting from the beginning along with his cute little banner. He is hiding the fact that he kept on smiling from time to time because of it. He doesn't have any intention of ignoring Sunoo at first. But Jake his bestfriend suggested that if he really wanted to know if he has a chance to the person he likes. He should keep his distance and see the reaction of the other party. If he did the same that means he is not important at all but if he is the one who will initiate something then there's a chance that the feeling is mutual. He doesn't want to hope yet but he can't help it when Sunoo's eyes was just focus on him in the entire game. 

"Pffftt...." the girls beside his seat was laughing because of his banner, they even mimic it. Sunoo just let them be, he doesn't have time to deal with this mean girls. So, he just decided to focus with the game not until... "Are you for real? who do you think you are?" a girl suddenly approached her blocking his view of Heeseung. "What do you mean? I don't even know you? Can you please move I am watching." he politely asked but the girl just laughed. She opened her phone and showed something it's him and Jay. He just looked at the girl still confused. "Do you know because of you it's rumored that Jay and Jungwon broke up. And now, after flirting and snatching Jay, you are also trying to be close with Heeseung. What a trash!" The girl rolled her eyes at him. "They are dating since when?" he innocently asked. "You are really pissing me off you know. The best actor award goes to you, Kim fucking Sunoo." Sunoo got teary eyed he doesn't what to say. Did he really do that?

"What's going on here?" Heeseung spoke. Sunoo is so engrossed with his conversation with this unknown girl that he doesn't even realize that the game had finished already. Heeseung got startled as he saw Sunoo looking at him with wet eyes. He was about to go to him but Sunoo immediately run away leaving the banner in the ground.

"What the hell did you do Taeyeon?" the girl just shrugged his shoulders and leave. Heeseung ruffled his hair in annoyance. He tried to look for Sunoo but he is already nowhere in sight.

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