Chapter 13: Halloween

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"Excuse me. It might sound rude but you are in the girls' bathroom. And, well— if you are a female troll then my apologies, but there is no nicer way to say it: You look disgusting—"

Marcus Flint and Oliver Wood have agreed to teach Harry and I the rules to Quidditch together. Of course- after being forced by McGonagall and Snape.

After practice, Harry and I walked together towards the Great Hall for lunch.

"Oliver is really nice," I told him.

"Yeah. And pretty cool," He said.

"He's get a cute accent."

Harry shrugged. "It's like MaGonagall's."

"I wish Flint was like him. Oliver is a better player too. We're probably gonna get crushed by you. Unless we play dirty."

"Sounds like someone I know."

"Who? Dudley, Malfoy, or me?"

"All of the above?"

"Rude! Anyway, back to Oliver—"

"Do you like him?"


"Oliver. Do you have a crush on on him?"

I felt my face heat up. "Wha- me-? No way!"

But my brother just rolled his eyes.


"You'd find Wood charming if you were coached by Flint!" I told Pansy as we sat in the Great Hall. "Honestly! He looks at me like I've gotten a piece of spinach in my teeth!"

Pansy was looking at me in disgust.

"Exactly like that!"

"Maybe because you do have a spinach in your teeth," she said.

"Oh." I started picking at it.

"Ew!" yells Astoria looking at me.

Some other Slytherins turned to look.

I huffed, then quickly swiped my spinach-covered finger on her face.

She screamed and ran out of the Hall. Daphne glared at me. "You're gonna regret this—"

"We'd like to see what you're gonna do!" Pansy snapped.

Daphne shot us one last glare then took off after her cousin.

"That was brilliant!" The same boy that was standing beside me on our flying lesson says.

"Thanks," I said. "She had that coming."

"I'm Theodore Nott by the way," he said.


"I know who you are."

"Oh... well, of course you do. That's—" I pointed at Pansy but he interrupted me again.

"I know who she is too."

"How?" Pansy asked.

"We were together in all our classes for two weeks," he said.

"Oh. We never noticed you."

"Sorry?" I asked.

But he laughed again.


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