Chapter 2: The Girl From the Sky

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It didn't take long to reach the wallflower, and by the time the restaurant was in sight you could easily point out to the source of the gossip. Sitting alone at one of the outdoor tables was a slender blue haired girl dressed in the most peculiar of fashions that you bet Anthe couldn't even identify them. Everyone else waiting for lunch we're giving her a wide berth, leaving the girl to her own devices even as they gave her non too subtle suspicious glances.

 Everyone else waiting for lunch we're giving her a wide berth, leaving the girl to her own devices even as they gave her non too subtle suspicious glances

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(She's only wearing a t-shirt and shorts)

She seemed to be looking quite our of her element as she looked at the village around her. You felt a bit of concern grip your heart at seeing her looking so lost and confused. Immediately your last remnants of frustration with your dad vanished and were replaced by concern for the new arrival. Taking a deep breath you approached her slowly, your voice soft as you spoke.

Y/n: Hello there

The girl jumped as you accidentally startled her, but she quickly caught her self and turned to look at you. As you laid eyes on her up close it became blatantly clear just how out of depth this girl was. Not only were her clothes completely foreign from anything you had seen, there was this almost palpable cloud of culture shock hanging over her. Her hand raised to politely wave, but even as she did so she didn't seem sure of it. Cringing internally you realized that you may be the first person to approach her. With that in mind you tried your best to appear non threatening and friendly.

Y/n: Sorry to bug you, I just noticed you seemed a bit lost. I'm Y/n.

Akari: Oh hello, I'm Akari. Um You can sit down, I mean only if you want to that is.

Y/n: Thanks I'd like that.

You set Meltan down on the seat and planted yourself next to it across from Akari. The blue haired girl turned her attention to your partner, looking perplexed as the metal blob like creature chimed happily in its seat. You couldn't blame her though, it's not everyday you meet a sentient walking puddle of liquid metal. Meltan noticed her look and eagerly waved at her, causing the new girl to coo at its adorableness.

Meltan: Mel Melt!

Akari: Who's this?

Y/n: This is my Pokémon partner Meltan, it really likes attention.

Akari: I can tell.

She poked a finger in Meltan's direction, getting the silvery Pokémon to reach out and grab the tip of her appendage. Akari giggled as Meltan shook her hand, looking very pleased with itself as it did. After a moment Akari gasped and pulled out her own pokeball, tossing it in the air to release an unfamiliar looking Pokémon in a flash of brilliant light.

 After a moment Akari gasped and pulled out her own pokeball, tossing it in the air to release an unfamiliar looking Pokémon in a flash of brilliant light

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