Chapter 3: Akari's Galaxy Team Trial

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You were awoken as the morning light filtered in through the window, it's radiance burning at your groggy half asleep eyes. Rolling onto your side you tried to turn nestle back in bed to snooze a wee bit longer. However, the moment you shifted your hips your eyes jolted wide open as something massive and hard pressed up under your short sleep kimono and pressed warmly against your plump ass. Nervously you reached over and plucked up your glasses, your semi blurry vision becoming crystal clear as you slipped on the pair of corrective lens. You regretted it immediately as you looked over your shoulder to see the slumbering form of position of your blue haired guest.

With your face redder than an apple you realized that Akari must have rolled over in her sleep and cuddled up to you. Her arms curling around your waist and reeling you into a tight spooning, her head drooling against your shoulder and what you must assume was probably her knee pushing against your soft jiggly rump. You could feel her body heat as she nuzzled into you, her modest chest rubbing against your back as her hands sleepingly rubbed your smooth tummy.

You were caught frozen like a stantler in torch light, completely unable to move for a solid minute as your guest used you as her personal cuddle pillow. Eventually you managed to get your blushing under control and gently pried her arms off of you, careful to avoid waking her as you embarrassedly threw the blanket back onto her and dashed off to get ready for the day.

Standing behind the dressing curtain you chucked your sleep kimono off and hurriedly got dressed in the standard Galaxy team Uniform plus your favorite hair ribbon. The entire time you were frantically keeping your hands busy, recklessly flying through the task to keep your mind off the cute girl's body that was pressed up next to you. Or how warm her breath was on the nape of your neck. Or how nice her chest felt rubbing against you as her toned arms flittered against you—

Y/n: Oh Meltan you want breakfast, how could I be so silly and almost forget.

A very confused Meltan looked up at its partner, curious on why she had plucked its slumbering globby body out of bed all of a sudden. Meltan tilted it's hex nut shaped head to the side as it noted it's partner was really stiff and doing that weird color change trick she normally did around that Zisu lady. Meltan burbled In concern for its master, but quickly got distracted as she sat down a plate of iron scraps covered in that tasty dust and pebbles it liked. Y/n's color change and meek scurrying was forgotten amid the flavor of such wonderful minerals, the happy blob of metal suckling it's breakfast as you watched it curiously.

Y/n: You know sometimes I wonder what your thinking.

Meltan: Mel?

Y/n: Ah never mind.

Giving the distracted mon a pat on the head you stepped into the kitchen corner of your home and began preparing breakfast for Akari and yourself. Humming cheerfully you busied yourself preparing a basic gravy with mixed in meat and vegetables in your cooking pot. As the concoction cooked up you Began slicing up the last tin of biscuits from your pantry, mentally adding make another batch of bread and biscuits to your to do list.

With the delectable aroma of your simmering meal wafting throughout the house it didn't take much longer for Akari to sit up, yawning and stretching her arms wide open. Seeing you in the kitchen she stepped up beside you.

Akari: Whatcha making?

Y/n: EEP!

You Jolted in surprise seeing your guest awake and not a foot away from you, only to flush in embarrassment as your high pitched squeal sent the blue haired girl giggling. Shifting from foot to foot you looked away and shyly served her up a bowl of biscuits and gravy.

Y/n: Um I thought you might like something to eat before I take you Cyllene for your entrance exam. Oh and there should be some for Cyndaquil to.

Akari: Really? Thanks!

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