Chapter 11: From Partners to "Partners"

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The ride back into the village was quieter than usual this morning, and yet you'd never been happier to see those old wooden gates. Ever since your and Akari's visit to Lake Verity things had changed around the camp. Your fellow corpsmen hadn't been oblivious to the newfound closeness between you and Akari, and whispers seemed to follow the both of you around. Over the past several days you'd heard no end to the guesses on why you'd been gone overnight or why youd been limping. Most embarrassingly was that some the guesses weren't that far off.

Akari had it almost as bad as you did, except hers involved a lot more people patting her back and congratulating her on having bagged the boss's daughter. After that it'd seemed like almost an open secret that the two of you were a couple now, and no attempts by either of you to down play it would change their minds. If anything that only seemed to make the rumors worse.

So to say you were both ready to just be home would be an understatement, but duty came first and first thing you did after getting into the village was drag yourselves off to hq to file your field reports.

At the moment the two of you were just finishing typing them up when the door to the captain's office opened and you were called in. Scooping Meltan into your lap, you got up to head inside only to wince upon still feeling your limp. Embarrassed, you blushed and tried to hide it the best you could as you and Akari made your way in to see Cyllene.

Like usual the captain was seated at her desk, side swept hair framing her face as she intently looked over several various field reports that were spread out in front of her. At the sound of you entering she looked up and smiled seeing you, only for her eyes to quickly narrow in suspicion as she eyed your gait. 

Cyllene: Good morning Y/n, I assume you and your partner are here to file your reports?

Y/n: Yes.

Nodding, you shuffled Meltan around in your arms so you could hold the file out for Cyllene.

Y/n: Here you go ma'am, a complete record of mine and Akari's activities in the fieldlands alongside a summation of our findings.

Cyllene: Ah, thank you. I'll admit I've been curious to see your report. There's been some interesting things coming out of the field camp lately.

At that her eyes flicked in Akari's direction, sending a cold shiver down the bluenette's spine as she was faced with her superior's  stony gaze. You were oblivious to this however, for just as Cyllene reached to take the file Meltan squirmed and knocked it out of your hand. Seeing the papers scatter all across the floor, you panicked and immediately shot your Pokémon an admonishing look.

Y/n: Meltan!

Meltan: Mel Mel?

You could tell the steel type didn't get it, and you couldn't bring yourself to scold them too much for an accident. So letting out a sigh you set Meltan down and bent down to start picking up the papers while giving Cyllene an apologetic look.

Y/n: I'm so sorry Captain. I'll get this picked up right away.

She waved your apology off and got out of her seat to help you gather up the papers, making you blush as she then offered you a hand back up.

Cyllene: It's no trouble Y/n. These kinds of things happen when we're working alongside our Pokémon. This isn't even half as bad as the last time Rei came in to submit his paperwork.

You giggled remembering that. It had happened awhile ago when your fellow survey corpsmen had gone to report to captain Cyllene on the ongoing Paras problems. Unfortunately for everyone involved the stun spores and sleep powders hadn't been fully washed out of his pikachu's fur, leading to quite the explosive shock in the middle of Galaxy HQ. Last you heard Rei was still stuck on crap duties over the whole incident. With that in mind Meltan's outburst didn't seem so bad.

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