Undeath and Secrecy

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"Death is the one predator we can't escape. But vampires have found the loophole so many of us crave. I think that is the allure of vampirism." Sherrilyn Kenyon

Bold: Important note to the story

Italic: Important message to a specific character or event

"Message" Inhuman Speech

"Message" Speech

'Message' Thought's

|Boom!| Noise/sound effect

Once again, there's a warning for mature themes.

There's many reasons this took so long to make, one of them being the sheer number of iterations of the story.

Ruby's vampiric abilities being the one with the most reiterations, along with her entire character itself.

Ruby's now kinda heavily based on a certain clan in Vampire The Masquerade.

I think I'll leave it up to yall to figure out quite which one she is now based on.


It has been three days since Ruby was forced to become a vampire. In that frame of time, she had rarely been seen by anyone. Ruby only ever seemed to be active at night and disappeared into her now dimly lit room during the day.

No one had seen her face either, just glimpses of her silver eyes that had a.....different feel to them than before. Ruby refused to show her face anymore, instead hiding it behind the hood of her still blood-soaked cloak.

A cloak she refused to take off even more than she did before, which concerned her family since it was still covered in vast amounts of blood. Ruby refused to explain why she was covered in blood when she reunited with her father and sister, and it had been a bad experience overall.


"RUBY!" A loud panicked yell blasted across the quiet park as Ruby could hear and smell Yang coming running up to her.

Ruby had barely moved an inch when Yang slammed into her right after Ozpin left. Yang was crying slightly as Ruby just patted her sisters back while her father came running up to them. Her father gave her a scared/concerned look as his eyes flashed over the blood, falling to the ground from her still blood-soaked cloak.

"Rosebud.........why are you covered in blood?" He asked with extreme worry while Yang quickly unlatched herself from Ruby, looking down to see her own outfit now covered in blood that was all over Ruby.

"I don't want to talk about it." Ruby spoke with a tone that was equal bits exhausted and angry, like she wanted to forget everything that had happened tonight.

Chills ran down Yang's spine when she heard Ruby speak that way. It was just so out of character for the normally hyperactive and cheery girl she always had been......until now it seems. Her father and Yang couldn't see Ruby's face behind the shadows that enveloped her face from her capes hood.

The soft silver moonlight of the shattered moon only briefly lifted the shadows that cloaked Ruby's face, lighting up her own silver colored eyes for a fleeting second While Yang didn't notice the changes in them, her father, Taiyang, certainly did as he recoiled in shock.

Where Ruby's eyes used to be so bright and happy, her eyes had dimmed and had a slightly more ominous look to them, very much akin to how she seemed to be changing rapidly. Tai was getting more and more anxious for what had happened to his daughter since these changes seemed to have only started happening tonight.

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