Chapter 1: the collapse

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1/7:New York's point of view.

Nervousness filled the air around him, making him panic. New York's father the USA and his sister D.C had been in the hospital for awhile and each day their health deteriorated as the nation tore itself apart.

Everyday the news rang out on their televisions, the radios of their car, their phones, and computers about what one state had done to another state. Almost every state was against each other and themselves. The one state that was neutral was out in the west. the USA had put nuclear weapons there in hope of if another nation were to nuke them it would be one area instead. He forgot what that siblings name was but he's glad that they were neutral in all of this disaster.

He turned to look out the window. People fought and screamed in the streets below making him sadder than he was before. Looking up buildings that once were filled with businesses and homes blackened or damaged by explosions.

He heard a noise, a missile passed overhead. He didn't even bother to see which way it went as long as it was overhead it wasn't coming at him.

He didn't understand so much of this world now. All his knowledge of the world and happy memories of living as a family felt so far away like they were from another person's memories. He saw that most of the other states ,that were just as damaged as him, had started gaining cracks over their flags and bodies. Each crack hurt like hell. Each crack meant they could fall apart at any moment and die. Left as nothing but a memory, no, a footnote for the history books.

Moments later his phone buzzed on the table behind him. He begrudgingly got up to grab it. He read the name on the screen. Right, that's that one western state's name. He thought as he answered the phone and put it on speaker.

"Hey. What's going on?" He asked the neutral state. He waited for the answer but the crying of his sister clued him in on it ,"they've gotten worse haven't they?"

"No, they're dead. Dad and D.C are dead." She cried from the other side of the phone. He dropped his phone and took a shocked step back ,"Dad wanted me to tell everyone he still loved them all. 'Each and every single one'..."

He felt burning tears form in his eyes. His father gone just like that. He wasn't even able to say goodbye to him either. the two cried on the phone for what felt like days.

"How many know?" His voice got softer as he asked.

"Only about 20 others... the rest didn't answer their phones." She spoke trying to not let her sobs get in the way of her words ,"they probably collapsed alongside them both."

He stopped and fell to the ground right next to his phone. Where did it all go wrong? How could this happen? Why me? WHY ME? His thoughts screamed in his scattered mind.

"I want to see who did it. Who is the traitor within the living states." He thought out loud anger boiling to the surface.

"I'll plan the funeral and confirm who's alive." She spoke making it clear she didn't want to attack or fight.

"Well I'll go now. Tell me the dates when you have them."

"I will." The phone was promptly then hung up on the New Yorkers side.

2/7 Utah's view

She basically was living at the hospital at this point. Utah wanted to make sure she could keep her father and sister as safe as she could keep them. She stayed out of the war. Swore neutrality among the states. Taking all the most dangerous nuclear weapons upon her own care to other states wouldn't be possibly damaged by other nations. She filled the role D.C and her father typically filled at world meetings so they couldn't get hurt by nations who saw him as weak suddenly. She ran around trying to make peaceful alliances so nations didn't attack her father in this war torn state. She did everything right yet everything was going wrong.

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