Chapter 3: The inbetween

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Sorry for some of the shorter areas I haven't started some of their main story lines quite yet.

1/7 Hawaii's POV

Eventually after her long walk hawaii made it home just in time for her bird's meal time. The moment she walked in a small ball of yellow started chirping at her like she had staved it. The other birds hearing the chirps also started to make noise like they too had never eaten in their lives.

"I'm going to feed you, you know. You don't have to act like this is the only way you'll be fed." Hawaii rolled her eyes as started getting their food ready. She was always so attentive to the needs of the birds. Each bird there couldn't be returned to the wild sadly since they were irreversibly injured. But she was fine if they never could leave due to injury, she'd just simply make their lives good ones just inside instead.

As she clicked the last bowl into place the house finally fell silent of chirps and squawks. The only noise appeared to be content little menaces. She sighed as she then started to get something to drink.

2/7 Michigan POV

"Michigan? What are you doing?" Wisconsin walked up behind him slightly making him jump.

"Why are you so quiet? Are you a ghost or something?" He joked. Wisconsin laughed alongside him before looking at what was on Michigan's desk.

"Are you seriously going to start a fight against Ohio?" Wisconsin resisted the urge to facepalm. She always found their squabbling either funny or stupid. No inbetween.

"Of course! He struck me first!" Michigan spoke in a defensive hiss before waving her off,"plus the idiot had it coming!"

"Sure." She wasn't going to fight him since it wouldn't do any good but she would admit that what she said was very sarcastic ,"shouldn't we be paying attention to more pressing matters like I don't know our father's death?"

"I'm trying to forget about that. Okay?" Michigan didn't want to admit his fathers death. Everyone seemed to have accepted it so quickly yet he just couldn't come to terms with his death. Wisconsin pulled up a chair that was nearby and sat down next to him.

"I know it's cold comfort but the funeral is going to be soon. You will have to realize just because someone said he was dead doesn't mean you can just ignore that. I know it's hard but he's gone and there isn't anything that we can do but mourn for our loss." Wisconsin trailed off the moment she realized that Michigan seemed to be on the brink of tears. Sighing she grabbed his hand to comfort him but he pulled away.

"I think you should leave for a bit."

"I understand." Wisconsin slowly got up and left ,"don't be afraid to call me when you need help."

"Alright wis."

3/7 New York POV

After landing New York ran to get his luggage from the luggage belt. The airport seemed to be bigger than he remembered but then again they rebuilt the entire thing for the Olympics. He eventually made it to the luggage belt and noticing that his bags hadn't even made it to the belt quite yet he let out an angry sigh.

As he breathed out the people around him acted skittish and gave him a lot more space. He stared in confusion. This wasn't something he had expected from the people here, why would they need to even feel afraid of him. He looked at the luggage belt and tapped his foot impatiently.

"Excuse me sir but what seems to be the matter?" An airport staff member asked politely to defuse any sort of issue.

"I'm just frustrated waiting for my bag. I just didn't expect it to not be here after that ten minute walk."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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