The moment

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I woke up in Toms arms and was happy with the talk we had last night. I set it straight about how this is my last chance for him. I love him so much he just doesent know that and I can't not love him at this point.

We were just laying down when Jessie's phone went off, "Islanders tonight there will be a dumping, you have the rest of the day to enjoy but be prepared for one dramatic night." She read out.

"Well if you go, I go" Tom said and I smiled "Same here" I said and he squeezed my hand "why do you do that so often" I ask "just cause" he says shrugging. "I'm sorry" he says "let's not live in the past ok? I know one thing and one thing only, I want you and you've got my trust and if it breaks it breaks for good." I say "I know,Im sorry I've put you through so much" he says "Well I forgive you and I go through things like this when im committed and see a future. I see that with you." I say "I see it with you too V" he says giving me a kiss.

I got up to get changed for the day and changed into:

I got up to get changed for the day and changed into:

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I walked out and went to the kitchen where Tom was. I wrapped my hands around his waist from behind him. "Hey cutie" he says "hey babe" I say holding him "production was looking for you" he says "oh why" I ask "they said they couldn't tell me" he says and just as he says that a production member asks to privately speak to me. "Um your brother has been admitted to the hospital, we don't exactly know why yet but he is ok and we will get you on the phone to him in an hour." She says "omg ok thank you please tell me as soon as you know anything" I say and I'm immediately upset cause my little brother is my whole world especially after our parents passed.

"What's wrong?" Tom asked "My brother is in the hospital but they don't know why yet." I say and he can see I'm gonna break down "Come here" he says and holds me tight "I just worry about him so much now and I know I'll never be like my parents I just want him to know he's not alone." I say "I am sure he knows he's so lucky to have you, and I want you to believe in him and that he will be ok" Tom says "I'm gonna try. It's so hard though." I say "I know. You got me and this villa and we will support you. If you end up having to leave then I'm leaving too." He says "Thanks Tom" I say "There's no need to thank me, I care about you so much" he says and my heart flutters.

I was sitting between Toms legs on the daybeds when production came up to me. They handed me a phone and I walked off to a more private area. "Vic? Hello?" I hear my brother say "Hey bud" I say back "I'm sorry to stress you out" he says " do not say that, what happened?" I say "I went to this party and got complete washed and high and they found me on the street very unwell" he says "Why we're you wasted?" I ask "I miss them so much  and sometimes I just don't wanna deal with grief" he says and my heart breaks "Listen each day I miss them so much, every single minute of every hour of every day I miss them, but you need to be honest with me and everyone who is supporting you. I can't lose you." I say "I don't want you to lose me and I can't lose you" he says "Well please be safe and please reach out to production if you need me. Okay?" I say "Yeah. Vic?" He asks "Yeah." I say "Thank you for being there for me and being the best sister ever." He says "Thanks for being the best brother ever" I say and we hang up.

It was hard to know he was struggling but good to know he held on for me. Just like that the night came and I changed into:

I walked out with Lana and we saw Ron and Tom sitting down near the kitchen

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I walked out with Lana and we saw Ron and Tom sitting down near the kitchen. "Hey" I said walking over to Tom "Wanna talk on the terrace" he asks "Yeah sure" he says and we head up.

"What do you wanna talk about?" I ask "Well..." he says "Stop your making me nervous" I say "I never thought I'd meet a girl like you. You are genuine and the most down to earth person ever and that's one thing that attracted me to you immediately. I know In the past trust has been hard for you and I'm sorry again for what I've done and put you through. I also know with you losing your parents your scared of loving someone again if it means you could lose them" he says "Yeah I mean it's all scary but worth it for you." I say "Well Vic you've made me become a man I never thought I'd be, and I've realized that I love you so much" he says and my heart jumps out of my chest. "I love you more than your ever gonna know" I say and we go in for the most amazing kiss ever. " uh I have been waiting so long" I say and he laughs and squeezes my hand "each squeeze has meant I love you" he says and that makes me smile so big "I knew you were being strange" I say and we laugh "Your all mine" he says "finally" I say and we hug and lay together for a bit.

Then the dumping came...luckily we were saved, but sadly Jessie and Will left and Aaron was single so he decided to leave willingly. We all said our goodbyes and then headed to bed. I put toms hoodie on and got in bed "hey" he said wrapping an arm around me "I love you" he says "I love you" I say and I'm just so at peace and finally happy with everything.

I was in love and loved:)

Daydream- Winter love island 2023-Book 1Where stories live. Discover now