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today Brady is forcing me to go to one of his volleyball practices. I told him I would only go if i'm just sitting on the side, I refused to play with him. I put on some grey leggings and Brady's light blue hoodie, then I did the rest of my routine.

''Y/N when is Brady coming to pick you up'' shouted my mum

''Hold on mum, let me text him''

(on text)

me: hey babe, what time you coming to get me?

Brady: mads and I will be there in like 15 minutes!

me: ok thanks, see you soon babe x

Brady: see you soon my love xx

''He said he would be here in 15 minutes'' I told my mum

''ok hon''

(15 minutes later)

'the door opens'

''Y/N, Brady's here!''

''I'm coming, give me 2 seconds''

I ran down the stairs to Brady and Maddie stood at the door.

I quickly said bye to my mum coz we had to go.

we soon got to the place were Brady does his volleyball, he went in. Maddie and I went up to the balcony to watch him.

''So how is school going Y/N?''

''it's good although I have some good tea''

''Oh my, tell me!''

''ok, so you know how I told you about that one girl, Samantha?'' (sorry to all the Samantha's out there)

''yeah, was she the one who got with like half the boys?''

''That's the one! anyway, she does not like me at all and she keeps trying to get closer to Brady right?''


''well, the other day I was in English with both Brady and Connor but we were given a seating plan and Samantha was moved into our English like a month ago and she kept giving me dirty looks from across the classroom. then the teacher put me next to her in the seating plan and the boys he put next to each other behind us.''


''wait that's not all.....'' (I can't be bothered to continue this but let me know if you want it to be an imagine)

Brady was playing really well! I was left on my own on the balcony because Maddie had to go to the shop quickly. I was watching Brady and he would glance up at me often. the practice ended and slowly all his volleyball mates were leaving and I stayed put because I don't know my way around this place and I was waiting for Brady to finish. everyone else left and it was just me and Brady. he was still playing and I was on snap texting my friends. when I heard Brady call my name.



''where are you love?''

''on the floor, hold on''

I stood up.

''Come down here and i'll teach you how to play''

''umm... ok where do I go?''

''just follow the direction of the stairs until you find wooden double doors''


I made my way to him. it was really simple to get down to him, I could have done it on my own if I bothered.

he started teaching me how to serve and all of the different hits. I was doing pretty well!

we were both having a pretty awesome time, I wouldn't be doing it again but it was fun while it lasted. we sat on the side after he taught me a few more tricks and we just spoke about everything and anything.

Maddie soon arrived to take us all home she texted me saying she was outside. I told Brady who quickly stood up giving me a hand. he pulled me up and kissed me before taking my hand and walking outside. we got in the car and Maddie drove to my house, where I got out and gave Brady a kiss and giving Maddie a hug and leaving but not before telling Maddie that we need to have a catch-up.

''I will text you later Babe! Bye Maddie we need to catch up soon, I have so much to tell you!''

678 words!

Brady noon imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now