part scars

27 1 21


anyone want soft tacos

man this was kinda short

I'm hungry


bakugou and deku lay on dekus bed, simply curled against eachother. no words were exchanged, just pure comfort and they basked in it. yet, bakugou looked at all the allmights staring down at him and shuddered under their glares.

deku traced small circles and shapes on bakugous bare chest, mainly examining the large scar covering his chest. he breathe out in a trembly yet content sigh, and retracted his hand from the others chest and to his side.

bakugou looked down at deku when he stopped feeling the others skin on his own. he made a hybrid sound between a grunt and a hum and deku looking back at him, eyes full of something bakugou hadn't seen form him before.

(no, it's not lust.)

bakugou quirked a brow at the gaze. ' what's up? ' he said, putting his palms on dekus cheeks. deku grumbled something then muttered, ' the sky. ' deku sighed before lifting himself into a lazy sitting position. bakugou raised aswell. ' a-are you even real..? ' deku whispered.

' for all I know you could be a fragment of my imagination and i have schizophrenia. or we could just both be dead.. your scars.. they just- I- ' Deku couldn't form words, as he folded his hand to his own chest as he bit his trembling lip.

bakugou panicked slightly, grabbing dekus hand and placing it over his heart, looking him in his eyes. ' I'm alive, I have a heartbeat. now, ' he said softly, trying to be as comforting as possible for a walking time bomb, ' what about my scars? '

deku swallowed and let his hand relax in bakugous. he mumbled something along the lines of 'thank allmight I'm not schizophrenic' and took a breath.

' don't they make you feel.. uneasy? to be so big and.. ugly.. not that I'm calling you ugly! ' he said, his eyes wide. ' I mean- you're gorgeous and like hot I guess? I don't know that sounds surreal when I say it but anyway.. ' he sighed, dropping his eyes.

' in short, aren't you self conscious of your scars? like they show signs of your here but are you though..? ' he said. bakugou felt like this related to dekus many scars.

he shook his head. taking dekus hand from his chest and set it onto the sheets as he traced incoherent figures on his skin. ' no, I find it as alternatively saying "hey extras I'm better than you because I survived death!" ' bakugou said with his signature smirk, trying to lighten the mood slightly. 

he was relieved when he heard deku giggle.

wait, wasn't he supposed to be like.. someone who hates everyone and has anger issues?


' scars, mean you went through something traumatic, survived it, and caramels back stronger. ' bakugou said slowly. ' you have all your scars to show how strong you are. no matter how many injuries you suffered you got back up. ' bakugou said, looking over to the nearby desk and crawling over from the sheet slightly.

deku didn't want his hand to leave his and he instinctively gripped his hand harder and Bakugou snickered, grasping the pen.

' so, when I see my scars I think of all that happened and how I came back stronger and how I survived because of it. there's nothing to be ashamed of, scars are.. ' he paused. he uncapped the pen and drew a shape on dekus hand he didn't understand. he looked away from bakugous face and he nearly started balling then.

' gorgeous. scars are gorgeous. ' bakugou finished, not pausing from his drawing.

bakugou was drawing stars along dekus scars.

of course, that would take awhile to wash off but did he care? 


dekus lower lip was trembling as he sucked in a sucked breath as he watched bakugou go up his arm with the pen, drawing the irregular shapes along the darker patches of pinker skin.

' t-thank y-you kac-cchan.. ' deku said, trying to keep his composure. what bakugou did for him was utterly beautiful, and we was so, so, SO happy..

that he unlocked this side of katsuki.

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