Chapter 7: Moments from a family visit

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Your carriage pulls up the long drive to Aubrey Hall, and your heart leaps. What a beautiful building, resplendent in flowers and vines. James leans forward excitedly, huffing mist onto the glass as he peers at the approaching house.

"Is this where Benedict lives?" he asks excitedly.

"It's his family's country home, darling, like Darby Hall is our family home. But it is not his; I believe he has his own cottage. Just like we do."

"Oh, ok," he nods, understanding better. "Can we see his cottage? I bet he has so many paints! Oh, mama, please? Can we? Can we?"

You huff a laugh. "Darling, I don't think his cottage is that near to here; I believe it is down in Wiltshire. This is Kent - that is a long way away."

"Oh," he looks a little deflated.

"But I'm sure Benedict has plenty of painting supplies right here," you add, seeing James instantly brighten at that. "You like Mr Bridgerton, don't you?" you venture, a little trepidatious.

"He likes painting as much as me, so he is my favourite person ever," James smiles gleefully as if that is the full measure of a man. "Except you, Mama," he adds as a charming afterthought. The adorable little rascal.

"What would you say if I told you he wanted to spend more time with you?" you ask carefully, "not just painting," you add as James goes to speak.

His mien turns thoughtful. "Why would I spend time with him other than to paint Mama?" he asks - a perfectly reasonable question.

"He is a... very special friend to me, from a long time ago. And a friend of mine must be a friend of yours too, James." you reason. "Or the... friendship... cannot be."

"He is very nice, Mama," he says, looking far away. "Issy told me about him in a dream."

"Who is Issy, my love?" you ask, wracking your brain for someone with that name.

"You haven't met her yet, Mama," he says breezily.

You can't think of a single person he knows you have not met, so you just assume it's one of his imaginary friends. He has such a rich imagination you marvel at him sometimes - every day, raising this child is a new adventure.

Your carriage pulling to a halt outside the main entrance has your mind turning to your hosts. Butterflies roar as you see the entire Bridgerton family emerge from the doorway. Chief amongst them, Benedict. He is all you can see as the footman opens the carriage and holds out an expectant hand for you to descend. The urge to run and fling yourself into his arms alarms you - a person of comfort in a sea of mostly new, expectant faces.

"Lady Darby," Violet greets warmly as you step out.

"Lady Bridgerton," you reply, "thank you so much for inviting me early to spend time at your beautiful family home."

"Please call me Violet," she says.

"Then it's y/n for everyone," you insist, looking around politely.

Anthony steps forward with his beautiful wife "Apologies, my lord." you correct yourself. "This is actually your home as the Viscount, isn't it?"

"Indeed, but my mother has always been best at leading introductions," he smiles warmly. "Lady Darby, this is my wife, Viscountess Bridgerton."

"Oh, it's been years, and I'm still not used to that title," she says with a slight comic frown, "Please call me Kate." warmly shaking your hand.

You see, out of the corner of your eye, Benedict is hovering expectantly, almost shyly, off to the side, slightly behind them.

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