More Than Just Fanservice - Sachaeng🐹🐯

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requested by: Michaeng1111
This is a long one, be ready 🫶


Nestled snugly in a cozy apartment right at the heart of Seoul, Chaeyoung's room exuded an undeniable warmth, tinged with a sprinkle of... casual obsession. The walls served as a vibrant canvas, adorned with a mix of posters and framed photos that immortalized her ultimate celebrity crush, the radiant and captivating Minatozaki Sana. Countless stills from the addictive drama "Moonlight Sonata" graced every inch of available space, freezing those enchanting moments when Sana brought Ji Eun-soo to life.

There she sat, hunched over her desk, her eyes fixed on the computer screen as if it held the secrets of the universe. Lost in her self-proclaimed role as the ultimate fan, Chaeyoung's nimble fingers danced across the keyboard, navigating through her account dedicated solely to her one and only idol. Fan art, mind-blowing theories, and endless discussions with fellow fans filled her digital sanctuary.

Suddenly, the tranquil air was shattered by the unapologetic and LOUD entrance of her partner-in-crime, Dahyun. Phone pressed to her ear, Dahyun disrupted Chaeyoung's fangirling with a playful interruption that jolted her back to reality.

"What's on the menu for tonight, my dear food enthusiast?" Dahyun teased, raising a mischievous eyebrow, her voice laced with a familiar camaraderie.

Chaeyoung tore her gaze away from the screen, a soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Kimchi Stew, of course! It's like a warm, spicy hug for my taste buds."

Dahyun chuckled knowingly, well aware of Chaeyoung's unwavering affection for the quintessential Korean comfort food. "Alrighty then, Kimchi Stew it is. Consider it ordered, my bro."

As Dahyun made her exit, Chaeyoung's attention seamlessly gravitated back to the screen, where Sana's latest tweets beckoned her like a siren's call ,

As Chaeyoung's eyes darted across Sana's Twitter feed, her heart leaped in her chest when a particular tweet snatched her attention. It was a mind-blowing announcement, straight from the heavens of fan heaven: Minatozaki Sana, the incredible actress behind the irresistible Ji Eun-soo, would grace the upcoming "Moonlight Sonata" series convention. And guess what? She would be hosting a fansign event that everyone and their pet goldfish would sell their souls to attend. Cue the seismic waves of excitement pulsating through Chaeyoung's veins, making her fingers quiver in queer- sheer* anticipation.

Unable to resist the gravitational pull, Chaeyoung's trembling digits swiftly clicked on the website link provided in the tweet, causing her eyes to widen like saucers as she glimpsed the price of the tickets. Holy kimbap, they were priced at a jaw-dropping $120! For a devoted fan like her, that was no small chunk of change. Chaeyoung's brain went into overdrive, torn between the nagging practicality of her budget and her half of the rent this week and the raging inferno of desire to meet her idol in the flesh.

But you know what? Screw practicality! (sorry Dahyun) In a whirlwind of impulsiveness, Chaeyoung threw all her common sense away and made a split-second decision that had her heart pounding like a drumroll. Taking a deep breath to quell her self-control, she summoned every ounce of determination and dove headfirst into fulfilling her long-held dream. With a decisive click, her card information was entered, and a heady mix of exhilaration and anxiety surged through her veins as the transaction was sealed. The tickets were now snugly in her possession, ready to catapult her into a whole new dimension of fangirling bliss.

Collapsing back into her chair, a tumultuous flurry of emotions swirled within Chaeyoung like a tempest in a teapot. The sheer audacity of what she had just done hit her like a truck. Did she really just drop her hard-earned cash like a hot potato for a chance to connect with her idol? Oh, you bet she did! Anticipation and hope bubbled up from within, threatening to burst out of her like a supernova of giddy excitement. With the convention just a few weeks away, Chaeyoung was primed and ready to traverse the chasm between fandom and reality. Fate, buckle up, because this fangirl was coming for you, armed with dreams, determination, and enough love to set the world ablaze!

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