Chapter 1

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(Y/N's Pov)
Y/N jumps out of her sleep "Wake up Y/N" Alexander says laughing "Hello Parasite" Y/N says standing up from her bed as two Hydra agents walk up to her cell, she stands up putting her arms out lazily and they unlock her cell, Y/N instantly tries to attack them use her super-speed but Alexander immediately presses a button and Everything Goes Black. Y/N wakes up to see Alexander with 2 Hydra agents on each side of him "You Know After 5 Years, I Still Love Seeing You This Way" Alexander says smiling "Why Don't You Just Kill Me Already?!" Y/N cries "Your too valuable to us plus it won't be much fun if you want it"Alexander says laughing as a few people start to do another experiment that almost kills her again.

Y/N woke up but didn't move, she just laid in her cell crying. She just wanted her mom, her mom was the sweetest person ever and she loved her mom more then anyone else. She wished she could see her mom again. Y/N sat in her cell and cried for hours until she fell back asleep. Y/N woke up to a loud explosion, she stood up quickly and banged on her cell "Help Me!!" Y/N yells repeatedly until suddenly a man with a metal arms appears, he uses his metal arm to open the cell, he rips the door off and walks in looking at Y/N for a second then grabs her and leaves the base fighting people along way, they get outside the base and get to a jet suddenly Y/N screams and everything goes back again.

Y/N woke up in a lab with restrains, she looks at restrains sadly as someone walks into the lab And Takes Them Off Gently "Who are you?" Y/N asks "I'm Bruce and this is Tony and we are avengers" bruce says as he holds a peace of paper "Y/N, we have some questions for you?" Tony says "how did you know my name?" Y/N asks "We Took your file from the base" Bruce says "ok then shoot" Y/N says "How did hydra get you?" Bruce asks "well when I was 10 years old, I was waiting outside my school for my mom to pick me up and they kidnapped me, I don't even know if my mom is still alive and she is Litterly all I have" Y/N says trying not to cry "what about your dad?" Tony asks "I never knew him, my mom told me he was an asshole but he was also one of the greatest minds in history but unfortunately died saving New York in 2012 in the battle of New York" Y/N says as Tony stares at her "Follow Me Y/N" tony says walking away with Y/N not far behind

Y/N follows tony into his lab "Why are we here?" Y/N asks "I Just have a theory about something but before I actually find out if the theory is true or not I want make sure I'm not nuts" Tony says "Ookk?" Y/N says "I Want You To Build Me Something, Anything" Tony says "Ok?" Y/N says as she looks around, She looks at an broken hover bored, Y/N grabs the tools she needs and uses her all her Brain power to fix and completely remodel and upgrade the hover board to where you can control it with brain waves, Tony watches her in fear and awe until she is done, she shows him how it works and everything, after she is done Tony hugs Y/N and they walk upstairs but as they are walking up stairs Y/N Screamed And Everything Went Black again.

Y/N woke up in the infirmary, she saw Bruce talking with Tony "are you sure about this?" Tony asks "Blood tests don't lie, it's right here" bruce says holding a peace of paper. Tony notices Y/N and snatches the paper from him walking up to her with the peace of paper in hand "Are you ok?" Tony asks "yeah but I have a chip in my neck" Y/N says "We found it and Got it out so don't worry" Tony says looking at Y/N with sadness and happiness "we have some good news" Tony says "what may that be?" Y/N asks "your mom is alive and on her way here and we found out your dad is still alive" Tony says "wait what?!" Y/N asks as Tony hands Y/N a peace of paper "your my" Tony starts but gets interrupted by Y/N "Daughter, I'm your daughter" Y/N says looking at the peace of paper in shock then back at Tony while Tony cries in sadness and happiness, Y/N stands up hugging Tony, they both fall to his knees as they cry into each other for a few minutes, Tony kisses Y/N's cheek a few times

until suddenly Y/N's mom walks into the room "Mom!" Y/N gets up and runs to her mom hugging her but her mom pulls away with tears in her eyes "I thought I had lost you forever"mom says with tears in her eyes "mom, Your daughter is stronger then you think" Y/N says hugging her mom again for a few mins then Tony walks up to them and hugs Y/N's Mom "Lilly You could have told me you were pregnant and I would have paid for everything. Why did you keep her from me?" Tony asks "I wanted her to have a normal life" mom says "yeahh about that" Y/N says nervously as her parents turn to her with confusion "what are you talking about honey?" Her mom asks, Y/N grabs a knife and stabs herself in the arm

Tony rushes up to Y/N but he stops when Y/N pulls it out they both watch her heal instantly, she throws the knife in the air and uses her super-speed to catch it and run behind her parents putting the knife down on a table all while her dad smiles and her mom's jaw drops in shock "That's My Girl" Tony says "MY BABY IS A SUPERHUMAN NOW?!" mom shouts with her jaw still on the floor "One More Thing, I age slowly, I'm 21" Y/N says as her parents look at each other then back at her "That Explains Why You Look 15 Years Old" mom says with a giggle "it's kinda cool tho" Y/N says laughing while her parents look at each other, her mom nods then they looks back at Y/N "Your Gonna Live With Me" Tony says walking up to Y/N and hugging her while her mom smiles "OMG!!! WAIT WHAT!!" Y/N says shocked "It's better this way but I'll visit everyday before work and after work" mom says while Tony pulls away and Y/N hugs her mom tightly "I Love You Mom" Y/N says "I Love You Too Babygirl" mom says while Y/N pulls away and looks at her mom "stay for dinner, we would love to have you around Lilly" Tony asks her mom "I would love to Tony" mom says as they all smile and leave the lab.

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