Chapter 8

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Y/N wakes up naked with bucky's arm around Y/N. she jumps out of bed with a blanket around her waking bucky up "well good morning doll" bucky says smiling "whatever happened last night, whatever I said just forget it and please leave Y/N says panicking "What's wrong?" Bucky says getting up with up naked "just leave!" Y/N shouts as bucky gets sad and confused as he just walks out her room and rushes to his. Y/N starts the shower then hops In The shower, Y/N gets cleaned up, gets dressed then walks downstairs

Y/N's Outfit 👇(feel free to change it)

Y/N enters the living room to see bucky and Steve talking "Just do it!" Steve says "No!" Bucky says as Steve suddenly notices Y/N "Hay Y/N" Steve says as Bucky doesn't even look at Y/N, he just walks away and walks to his room "what was that about...

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Y/N enters the living room to see bucky and Steve talking "Just do it!" Steve says "No!" Bucky says as Steve suddenly notices Y/N "Hay Y/N" Steve says as Bucky doesn't even look at Y/N, he just walks away and walks to his room "what was that about?" Y/N asks "who knows with him" Steve says walking away "whatever" Y/N says to herself as she walks to the couch and turns on the tv laying on her stomach. An hour passes and Bucky walks into the living room picking up the phone and walking passed Y/N and onto the roof

(Bucky's Pov)
Bucky walks into the living to see Steve reading a book "steve, I need to talk about something" bucky says "what's up buck" steve says "me and Y/N slept together and now I think she regrets it" bucky says "I don't think that is the case, just ask her out. maybe she didn't want it to go that way" steve says "No I can't I just can't" bucky says "bucky you need to get the damn girl already" Steve says "i can't it's scary, she's scary" Bucky says "Just do it!" Steve says smiling and looking behind bucky "No!" Bucky says looking behind him as well to see Y/N standing there "Hay Y/N" Steve says as bucky just walks away bucky walks to his room and thinks about everything for an hour before bucky stands up and walks out of his room seeing Y/N watch Tv on her stomach "would you like to have dinner with me? That's all you have to say bucky, your an assassin for gods sake. You can ask a person to dinner" bucky thinks to himself suddenly Y/N looks back at him "nope abort mission" bucky says walking passed Y/N while picking up his phone and pretending to talk on the phone "oh hay Steve what's up?" Bucky says stepping into the living room.

(Y/N's Pov)
Y/N stands up and walks to her dad's lab to see her dad working on a suit with pepper and mom talking about something and laughing, Y/N sits with her mom and kisses her on the cheek "hi mom" Y/N says sweetly "hay sweetheart, I was just about to come get you" mom says while Tony walks behind pepper and pepper hands her a sliver bracelet "we made you this" Tony says putting the bracelet on Y/N's wrist "dad?" Y/N says getting kinda happy "did you? Did you make me what I think you made me cus this looks allot lik-" Y/N says "How About You Just Find Out" Tony Says Smiling and looking at pepper then looking back at Y/N as Y/N presses her finger on it tapping it twice and suddenly a nanotech suit spreads over her body making an pink and silver iron man like suit but different

Y/N's New Suit👇

"Holy shit dad!! This is fucking amazing!" Y/N says as she suddenly loses the mask and flies out of the building, Y/N flies through the sky screaming in joy "This is so cool!!" Y/N yells happily as she flies around the tower but she stops and trie...

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"Holy shit dad!! This is fucking amazing!" Y/N says as she suddenly loses the mask and flies out of the building, Y/N flies through the sky screaming in joy "This is so cool!!" Y/N yells happily as she flies around the tower but she stops and tries to scare bucky though his window but instead sees bucky drilling into a blonde girl. Y/N Flies away before she is noticed. Y/N flies down as Wanda, steve, nat Tony and her mom all come out cheering and smiling "you did so well" Tony says "how did it feel?" Nat asks as Y/N taps her and just uses her super-speed to run to her room and hide under her bed, Y/N grabs a pillow and a blanket and just gets under her bed "I'm gonna just lay here until I die from a broken heart" Y/N thought as Y/N heard a knock on her door

"honey? Are you ok, we are all worried about you" Tony says "GO AWAY!!" Y/N yells, Tony walks away as Y/N cries as quietly as she can a second later Pepper knocks on the door "Honey please open up, we have ice cream" pepper says as Y/N crawls out form under the bed walking up to the door and opening it to see pepper "alcohol?" Y/N says as nat suddenly appears out of nowhere holding 2 bottles of alcohol "we also brought 2 more things" Nat says as Wanda suddenly appears holding candy then her mom appears holding her arms out "I LOVE YOU GUYS" Y/N cries hugging her mom tightly as everyone else joins the hug "we love you too" everyone else says as we depart from the hug and walks into Y/N's room

They all sat down together while Y/N chugs one bottle slowly and talking about what she saw and how she felt about bucky and that she got drunk and slept with him but she then got mad cus this is not how she wanted it to go. She wanted it to be special. he never even asked her on a date but she kept waiting for it but it never happened. all the girls got secretly mad at him watching Y/N cry while talking About bucky until suddenly Y/N tried to stand up to go to the bathroom but fell and hit her head falling to the floor and passing out from being drunk and hitting he head

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