Chapter 9

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Y/N woke up in the infirmity with her mom Wanda and nat all talking with Bruce "what happened?" Y/N says siting up "You fell last night drunk and we wanted to make sure you didn't have a concussion" her mom says "thank god you don't" Wanda says "hay guys can I talk to you guys alone" Y/N says looking around "Of course" wanda says "Jarvis!" Y/N calls out "Yes Miss Y/N" Jarvis says "Turn off all cameras and soundproof the room" Y/N says "Will do" Jarvis says "I can't live like this anymore, I want to be on my own and alone. My dad won't let me leave so I need all three of you guys to help me run away from here and hide from everyone" Y/N says with tears in her eyes

"we can do that but why do want to do this?" Her mom asks "I want a normal life" Y/N says as her mom smiles hugging Y/N as she uses her super speed to pack everything up and pack them into Y/N's mom's car in the garage. Nat and Wanda and her mom all hugs Y/N "I'm gonna miss you so much" Wanda says making a cat appear out of nowhere "thought you might want some company" Wanda says handing Y/N a white cat "Thank you Wanda, Y/N looks at her mom hugging her "be careful and don't ever forget that I love you" mom says pulling away and handing Y/N a bag of food and a bag of cash, Y/N hugs nat "if you need anything call me and I'll be there" nat says handing Y/N a burner phone with a knife and a tazer "extra protection" nat says while Y/N puts her stuff in the car. she puts her cat in the front seat then hugs them all one more time, Y/N gets in the car and leaves the tower

Y/N arrives at a ranch in the middle of nowhere, Y/N parks the car in the garage and walks into the house putting her cat down and putting her bag on the the ground, she walks back to the car taking all her stuff out and putting them in the house. Y/N gets settled in and organized suddenly Y/N's belly rubbles, Y/N looks grabs the food bag and walks into the kitchen opening the fridge to see it stuffed with food already "Nat you really are one of the greatest friends" Y/N says smiling as she puts stuff aways, she grabs the stuff to makes sloppy joes. after she is done she eats it then walks to the bathroom and takes a shower, she gets out of the shower and gets dressed then lays down falling asleep

Y/N wakes up to her cat pawing at her face "hi snowflake" Y/N says smiling, Y/N gives her cat a kiss and pets her as she gets up walking to the bathroom, Y/N gets into the shower and tries not to think about everything, Y/N gets out of the shower and gets dried off and changed. Y/N smiles as she walks out of her room into the kitchen and starts making herself some food

Y/N's outfit👇 (Feel free to change it)

Y/N eats her breakfast then nat calls her "how's everything going so far" nat says "it's going good" Y/N says "you know he's looking for you, they both are" nat says "I would tell you to tell everyone but i really don't want bucky to find me" Y/N ...

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Y/N eats her breakfast then nat calls her "how's everything going so far" nat says "it's going good" Y/N says "you know he's looking for you, they both are" nat says "I would tell you to tell everyone but i really don't want bucky to find me" Y/N says "Tony and bucky are fighting again, I gotta go. I love you" nat says hanging up as Y/N pets her cat turning on her tv and watching her favorite show for a few hours before falling asleep. Y/N wakes up rubbing her eyes but instantly uses her super speed grabbing her knife looking at the bucky sitting on her chair "Get! Out! Now!" Y/N says "No, I overheard nat and Wanda talking about what you saw" bucky says standing up "No Stay Away" Y/N says "I'm sorry for what you saw, Y/N I was ju-" bucky starts but gets interrupted but Y/N

"I Don't want to hear it, you sleep with me and then ghost me instead of asking me out then you just sleep with some other girl. I fell in love with you James and you treat me like I'm just some girl. It hurts James" Y/N says "well that night I called out your name and the girl I was having sec with punched me in the face then left so I had to finish myself off and I was gonna ask you out even Steve told me to but I chickened out because I know i don't deserve you" bucky says "i'm so sorry Y/N" bucky says with tears in his eyes "Fuck Off" Y/N says crying while bucky walks up to Y/N and kisses her, Y/N stabs bucky in the shoulder and pushes him away using her super speed to run into her room grabs snowflake and holds her while her cat licks her face making her smile suddenly a loud explosion happens

suddenly Y/N sees Alexander, He has two hydra agents grab Y/N "LEG ME GO!!!" Y/N yells as he grabs her cat by the neck, he walks outside "I Found you and I will keep finding you as long as you are breathing I will find you" he says squeezing Y/N's cat's neck killing her cat "NOOO!" Y/N cries loudly, Alex grabs YN's gabs aggressively "Your Mine, Your my property, you belong to me so just accept it" he says as two hydra agents gets knocked unconscious while bucky grabs Alex's throat "she belongs to nobody, she can do whatever she wants to do, she told me everything now your gonna pay with your life" bucky says angrily as bucky shoves his metal arm in his mouth and rips is tongue out making him bleed out "you will never hurt anyone ever again" Bucky says stomping Alex's head into the floor while Y/N just stands there in fear and shock "WOW OKEY SO WTF" Y/N says "Just come back to the tower, I'll leave you alone just come back" Bucky says "Fine!" Y/N says while Y/N grabs her cat and they all head back to the tower.

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