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The night was settled, the sky pitch black. The atmosphere was heavy and full of tension. The shadow of a castle hardly shown in the night. The only light that could be seen was coming from a window, and shadows could be seen moving anxiously, passing in the room.

- We can't continue like that!
- Continue like what exactly?
- We can't win the war if we don't weaken the kingdoms! We managed to weaken the Shape shifters but their allies are too strong. And some of our subjects are revolting. We have to do something else
- And what do you think we should do?

Silence filled the room again, all men thinking. Then, one of them finally broke the silence.

- I have an idea
- Which is?
- The fairies Kings are pretty protective with their kids. I'm sure that kidnapping  one of their beloved heirs will disturb them. And then we will attack them at their weakest
- My friend, that is not a bad idea. Which one of them should we capture?
- I heard about their youngest, he is a dumb kid. He is well protected but always escaping like a little shit. We just have to wait for him to go alone into the woods on his own. Then, when he'll finally be vulnerable, we strike.
- And how do you know all of that?
- My dear friend, we have the best spies of all the kingdoms, what do you think?
- Don't go and brag about it Verstappen
- I'm not my dear Mazepin

The two kings looked at each other, smug. The silence was heavy, the tension was palpable until the main Elementalist's strategist unfolded a map. The attention of the room came back to the task in hand.

Only two persons were not focused on the plan. In one corner of the room, a young Elementalist was sat on a chair, eyes focused on a book, trying to fade into the background and to be forgotten by his father. He seemed stressed, hands shaking and sweaty. On the big and luxurious couch of the room, a younger blond man was lying down, seemingly sleeping. The focused and concerned frown on his face was however telling the contrary. No one really noticed them, too focused on the map, preparing for what they felt was the end of this war...


Finally the story can start. Like I said in the GC book, things have been a mess recently and I had a hard time finding time and inspiration to write. I decided to post the prologue, hoping that I'll be able to post the chapter not too long after... but I can't promise anything, my schedule is gonna be full with work and studies but I'll try my best.

I kinda had a hard time writing this little prologue but I hope it was still fine.

Love you all  🖤🤍

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