ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝟷

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In the soft colours of dawn, the shape of a palace could be seen in the sky. No lights came out of the windows, no sounds could be heard, like it was empty of life. The castle was surrounded by trees and vegetation. Houses were spread around the palace, on the ground as well as in the trees. Birds were chirping, squirrels squeaking, the nature was waking up.

A light finally turned, a inhabitant finally waking up. The person opened their window, their hair a mess. They then left the window, coming back into the room with a groan. They dressed up, stretched their blue wings, silver and white appearing with the sunlight.

When he was ready, the man took an coffee and left his room, strolling in the corridors. On the way, he stopped at a white door, knocking loudly. A whine could be heard and he smiled. He let out a chuckle when a "boom" came to his ears. Only a minute later, a blond boy opened, his hair looking like a bird nest, rubbing his hip.

- Hello Frederik, smirked the older fairy
- Hello Pierre, mumbled the youngest grumpily
- Did you slept well? Not a too harsh wake up is it?
- ...Are you kidding me?! You wake me up like that, I fell and you're asking me if it was not too harsh?
- Come on, I'm gonna prepare you a coffee, get ready in the mean time and join me in the kitchen. We have a castle to wake up today.
- Yes Boss
-FRED! I told you to stop calling me that!

The blond fairy only laughed, closing his door. Pierre huffed, an amused smile on his lips before going to the kitchen to prepare a coffee for his apprentice. The boy came in fifteen minutes later, dressed in proper clothes and his hair brushed. He took the coffee from the older's extended hand, a sleepy smile on his lips. While he sipped his drink, Pierre told him their schedule for the day.

- So, today, first thing you have to do it wake up Stoff and Lando. Don't forget the kid's milk and dino cookies or he'll be grumpy, he's still not a morning person.
- I know, I still remember how he threw his lamp at me on my first day
- He once tangled me in vines and threw me out to tie me under Stoff's window.
- What the hell? Why?
- I didn't bring his dino cookies. We didn't have any left, he ate them all the night before and we didn't have any stock left. Now we make sure to always have a correct amount as back up.
- My god
- Anyway. While you do that, I go and wake up Alex and George so they can look after Lando. When we did that, we go wake up Fernando and Mark with their morning coffee and pastries
- Then we just have to wake up everyone else like always. And we'll have the rest of the day for ourselves. You'll just have to go with Lando in the forest for his evening walk, George and Alex have a dinner with George's family and they can't go with him like usual.
- Okay, I will do that.
- Well then.. we have to get to work kid

Fred chuckled, finishing his coffee. he then took the milk and dino cookies, followed by Pierre, two coffee in hands. When the young winter fairy got in front of the bright yellow door, sunflowers painted all over it, he gulped. He was still a little shy around the royal family, always scared to do a bad thing.

He gently knocked before opening the door. The room was dark but he could make out a shape under the covers. But, strangely, he heard a sound coming from the bathroom.

Tensed, he put the food don and went to the door, his heart pounding in his chest. When he got a look in the room, he found Lando dressed all in forest green  clothes, his hoodie's hood on his head to hide his face and curls. The boy gave the winter fairy an innocent smile, trying to play it cool. The window was opened, letting the cool wind enter the room. Looking more at the state of the Prince's clothes, Fred immediately understood what he was doing and why the window was opened.

- Lando! Don't you tell me you went out in the forest on your own during the night... AGAIN
-...I won't tell you then
- Lando, how many times do we have to tell you it's dangerous!
- But it's so beautiful!
- Just ask someone to come with you next time please...
- I will...

Just as Fred was going to turn around, he saw movement from under the spring fairy's hoodie. The boy blushed, shushing the thing he was hiding.

- Lando... What are you hiding here?
- Nothing...
- Lando, I'm not dumb, tell me

The Prince got out a little wolf from under his hoodie, the pup munching on his sleeve.

- Did you really bring back a baby wolf here?
- Yes I did... But I found him alone surrounded by his dead mum and siblings, he was the only one alive, I couldn't leave him here.
- You'll have to ask your dads about keeping him... and I think he's a her by the way.

Lando lifted the black wolf, inspecting between it's back legs, frowning. He then cuddled it again.

- Oh true. I have a girl wolf then. She's cute no?
- It's still a wolf.
- A BABY one. I can still educate her like a dog.
- She'll still need to eat like a wolf, aka raw meat and all.
- I know. And I also know that Papà will say yes, he loves wolves.
- How are you gonna name her?
- I though of Void but it sounds like she's a boy... But maybe... Constellation?
- I like it. Now come on, I'll ask the kitchens to bring you raw meat for her? You're cookies and milk are in the bedroom.
- Dino cookies?
- Dino cookies. I have to go help Pierre but I'll see you tonight at least.
- Why?
- I'm the one coming with you  tonight for your walk. Alex and George are going to eat diner with George's family.
- The in-laws for Alex.
- Exactly. So I'm taking their place for tonight's adventure. We can even take Constellation with us.
- Yes! Then see you tonight Fred!
- See you Lando!

With that, Frederik left the room, an unsure feeling in his belly. But the winter fairy pushed it away, searching Pierre.

I finished this chapter way sooner than I though... I took like... 3 or 4 months to write the Prologue and this chapter... and now I'm able to complete it in two days... Meh

I tried to leave a small cliffhanger, is it good?

Just as a little view of what I had in mind for Constellation looks, here is a little pic of this cute wolf cub:

Just as a little view of what I had in mind for Constellation looks, here is a little pic of this cute wolf cub:

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I hope you liked it, I'm quit proud of myself. I found a way to work that is maybe longer but way more efficient for me : writing all the chapter on paper instead of doing it directly on my computer. Longer since I have to write it two times but my brain is more inspired like that so...
Or it's the amount of Red Bulls I took today... No fucking idea.

Anyway, good night or good day to everyone!
Love you all, bye bye

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