XII - Working-Class Hero

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Cruella knew that her first appearance at a fashion show must be a momentous one. There was much speculation about whether Cruella would wear the iconic furs that the guests adored so much when she first presented herself at Maureen's party. Her appearance at Elliott Boutique had caused such a furore that she knew she had to replicate it. It seemed that people were divided as to whether Cruella's stunt was provocative and riotous, or simply what was necessary. She loved being the centre of such controversy. She knew that, if she was able to have people talking about her, or listening to her, she could be the working-class hero her peers deserved. Maureen had shown her how callous the fashion world was. If she could remove people like Maureen from the spotlight, then she could be the beacon of light above a sea of cruelty and abuse.

Incidentally, Maureen had been invited to display a few pieces at the event. These kinds of events would normally not be Maureen's scene, but after Cruella had exposed her manipulative ways, the business at the boutique had been poor. She, too, was hoping to use this event to foster excitement around her very image and restart her fashion career.

"Listen well," Cruella said, looking in the rear-view mirror at Jasper and Horace in the backseat of the roadster. By the time Cruella arrived the event was in full swing. She was, appropriately for her brand, fashionably late. "I need you to stay here in case there is cause for a quick get-away. I can assure you nobody will take notice of you here in the alleyway."

"What are you planning to do?" Horace asked.

"I don't know yet," Cruella replied hesitantly, "but it needs to be destructive."

"I thought you were just here for a fashion show!"

"Oh, Horace, you are too naïve for this. I'm here to end Maureen's career once and for all."

"But didn't Maureen try to end your career?" Jasper replied. "You believed that was so appalling that you had to stand up and say something. If these are your beliefs, why are we helping you end Maureen's career?"

Cruella looked at herself in the mirror. She admired her black and white hair, permed to perfection. She adored the woman she had become. She eventually turned around in her seat to talk to Jasper directly.

"We live in a world where it takes change to make change. Maureen is a vile, vile woman. She is the greater evil. And when there is a greater evil at stake... it's okay to rest on your morals. At least, for a moment."

Cruella swung open the car door. She wore a fur zebra-print form-fitting maxi dress, tall black heels, and long black satin gloves. She felt more glamorous and sophisticated than ever. Without another word, Cruella slammed the door behind her. Jasper moved to the driver's seat, ready to take off if need be. Cruella entered through the side door.

The backstage area at the Savoy Hotel was lavishly decorated. Ornately decorated pillars and arches lined the walls and large, magnificent bouquets sit in flowerpots atop small wooden tables. Cruella paused. She took note of how much she loved what her life had become. She could not help but think of her father who had always told her that succeeding in fashion was a pipe dream. Now, she had what she most desired. And she was after more.

Cruella found Maureen sitting in her dressing room. She was gazing into the mirror and delicately applying mascara to her eyelashes. She was wearing a blue three-quarter length coat and a shapely dark wool dress, complete with a black feather in her hair. Cruella smiled and sauntered towards her. Maureen recoiled when she saw her.

"You!" Maureen exclaimed. "What on Earth are you doing here?"

"Don't be silly, Maureen. I was invited here, just like you," Cruella answered. "What? Can you not handle competition?"

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