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Ash blonde hair stuck to Astara's forehead, the late summer sun beating down on her with nothing to give her any reprieve above her. Astara stops walking down the path to swipe away the sweat on her forehead. She shields her eyes and stares down towards the tiny silhouette of the church.

Astara smiles brightly before adjusting her great sword carried on her shoulders with completely filled baskets and stuffed bags tied against it. If she can make it before three o'clock, she'll be able to start the process for all of the herb drying, meat smoking, and leather making.

"Everything will be good for this winter... and with Recca and Nash learning quickly... we won't have to worry," Astara thinks after she starts to walk again.

Six months have passed since the Grimoire Acceptance Ceremony. Six months have passed since Yuno received his-unsurprising-four-leaf grimoire. Six months have passed since Astara received her own grimoire.

Not like it had made much of a difference. Astara would have still increased her training for the Magic Knights Entrance Exam without the grimoire; her ability didn't need a grimoire... but having one definitely helped her control. And the sword is really, really cool.

Astara, and Yuno, have been training hard... and preparing for the winter. With them not there to help... Astara's afraid it might be a harder winter than the previous ones. But, with all that they were doing while including it in their training, there should be more than enough of everything.

And if-when they become Magic Knights, most of their pay will come here. There's not much to worry about.

A loud whistle pierces through the quiet atmosphere around Astara. Astara instinctively whistles back. If Yuno's whistling, then Sister Lily must be worried that she's taking so long. Astara hums quietly before picking up the pace.

Or the Sister might want to make sure they have everything ready for their trip to the Royal Capital. Today is their last day in Hage after all.

"I bet Father has a feast cooking for us... silly old man," Astara speaks out loud, more fond than upset. She'd rather not have so much food wasted on her, but it will be the last night that she'll be able to be with the children in what will most likely be a long time.

Astara sighs quietly and looks over her shoulder and sword. She stares up at the looming demon skull and the ancient statue on top. A wide smile grows on her face before she starts to jog.

She's getting closer-she will be getting closer. She will become the Wizard Queen!


Astara stares through one of the only stained glass windows of the church, watching the moonlight cast a kaleidoscope of colors across the floor and walls. She carefully curls up more on top of Yuno and sighs quietly. She couldn't sleep.

Yuno's arm, protectively wrapped around her waist in case she fell, twitched slightly. He couldn't sleep either.

"We're going to start our trip to the Royal Capital tomorrow," Astara whispers into the quiet room, careful not to wake up the younger children.

Yuno makes a small noise of agreement. A sigh follows not long after.

"They shouldn't have wasted so much money on those gifts for us..." Yuno speaks up, making Astara hum in her agreement. Her eyes trail over to the two folded piles sitting on top of the only table in the room.

Sister Lily and Father Orsi had ordered brand new clothes to be made for them. They claimed it was because they finally became adults, but Astara thinks it's because Father Orsi and Sister Lily wanted to give them something of their very own to start their journeys.

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