"Who Am I? essay"

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June 1, 2015

 I was born on October 9, 1996 and currently 18 years old now. If there would be 10 words that describes me, it will be something like, a Japanese animation nerd, no fashion, gamer, an artist, a pet lover, very shy and awkward person, an extreme procrastinator, loner that have a timid attitude, boring to be with, lame one, and last but not the least a fujoshi; a fan-girl of gay romance.

 Describing my family as a whole, I could only come up with these characteristics; a gamer, somehow strict, a bit funny, some are out-going, others are shy and quiet, responsible, nice and good people, a bit confident, and talented in terms of art.

 We always dream of ourselves; thinking what and who will we be when we grow up, I think in 5 years I could see myself doing art. Even when time flies up to 10 years or so, even 20 years too, I think I'll still be your same old art doer.

 I don't know if everyone notice up till now, but I'm certainly sure that I'm a boring and lame person. Usually, after school I would spend these boring days with nothing but spicing it up, I would watch anime, listen to the ever amazing J-pop, play video games till adrenalin rush kicks in, sing a bit of Japanese songs here and there, read manga till I'm satisfied, and a bit of time to draw anime whenever I get the urge to. What I like doing the most in these activities must be reading manga, nothing is more enjoyable than reading through a new world of stories. And with all these fun activities, I think there won't be the least.

 As a growing up person myself, I looked up at adults, and their qualities and characteristics I admire the most is; an intelligent person, a great leader for somebody, an anime fanatic of course, likes to listen or even sing J-pop, shares his/her hobbies, is a Japanese lover, capable of doing things, somehow energetic, and also plays games.

 At this very date and time, I don't think I have someone to be considered my best friend, but I think there are people I regard as a friend of mine. Most of my friends have in common are, they are somehow otakus; anime geeks just like me.

 I'm not really a wide diverse person in terms of favorites, so I'm probably just going to repeat my words. I don't do sports, but I like playing chess. My hobbies are the things I do after school. I pretty much watch anime all the time but, I like discovery channels, things like myth, mysteries, and science. Actually I'm quite embarrassed to even include this, but I love reading gay romance graphic novel or novel the most.

 Things my friends probably liked about me must be, because I can draw anime, most of the time they notice me also because of my ability to do good art.

 The major goals I'm doing right now is all about drawing, and continuously writing and adding up chapters on my hiatus stories.

 Friendship for me means, loyalty, trust, and acknowledgement by people you consider as friends or even friendly people.

 I must be of like a misanthrope for saying this but, school Is a very traumatizing experience in my life, but at the same time, it's the most fun because, I get to meet different people that are like me, and have someone to acknowledge and share my art skills. School can be very hard most of the time, but its nothing but a first step for me to decipher in the society. ]

 As far as I'm concerned about myself, I think I'm not content with the current me. In most cases I would like to improve my confidence, and want to be able to speak straight out my personal thoughts. But disregarding my flaws, my best quality would be that, I'm certainly a good artist.

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