2 | 📚 Trafalgar 🌸

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The door to his class opened and the black haired man stepped out, adjusting his glasses. He turned his head and smiled at Sanji, who was to stunned to speak. The man closed the door and walked down the corridor, his chin held high and a book held beside his waist. Sanji watched as he walked away, looking at his slim but muscular figure. He had never seen this guy around before, why not? Sanji knew almost all of the kids in his school, so why was he only just seeing this guy now?

Sanji shrugged it off and walked into his class, taking a seat at the back of the class. He put his bag on the ground next to him and sighed, leaning back in his chair.

"You're early Mister Black," Dr. Kureha said as she walked through the door, setting down some papers on her desk.

"Yeah, I guess it is a bit early. By the way, who was that guy who was in here earlier?" Sanji asked, referring to the black haired man.

"You mean Law? He's my top student, amazing at every subject there is!" Dr. Kureha said, a smile coming across her face at the mention of the black haired guy.

"How come I haven't seen him around before?" Sanji asked.

"Ah, probably because he's not very social. He tends to hang around in my room and the library, he does extra work to improve his exam results, you should do the same Sanji, if you want that extra credit," She said, sitting at her desk.

"Yo! Sanji, how's it going?" A high pitched voice said, peeping its head through the door and waddling inside. 

"Hey Luffy! Come sit over here," Sanji said, motioning to the seat next to him. Luffy nodded and walked over, sitting down and smiling.

"So, how was Summer?" Luffy asked.

"Hm? It was good, I just hung out with Zoro most of the time," Sanji replied, already bored of the conversation.

"How's your girlfriend~?" Luffy asked, wiggling his eyebrows at Sanji.

"How's yours?"

"I don't have a-,"



More people started to enter the class, chatting and laughing. Sanji pulled out his text book and started listening as Dr. Kureha started the lesson.

(At Break)

"So, how was first and second period?" Zoro asked as Sanji sat down at the table. 

"Decent, Luffy was blabbering on about Sabo and how he broke his arm or something like that." Sanji said. He heard a loud voice calling out his name, he turned around and saw a brown haired girl prancing towards him.

"Sanji!~," she squealed, hugging onto him.

"Hey babe, what do you want?" Sanji said, trying to wriggle out of her grip.

"Can I not say hi to my boyfriend after not seeing him for an entire month?" She said, pouting her lip and sitting next to him.

"Sorry Pudding, I was pretty busy over the holidays. I didn't really have time to hang out," Sanji lied.

"It's okay baby, as long as you take me on a date soon, that will make up for it!" Pudding said, though Sanji no longer had much interest for her. 

They'd been dating for around six months now, even though it was mostly one sided since Pudding was the one making plans and starting conversations with Sanji. Though Pudding didn't have a very high intelligence, she was popular and pretty, which was the thing that made Sanji stick around. She didn't have a proper personality, it all seemed fake and more like she was a puppy following Sanji around wherever he went, which made him pretty annoyed most of the time.

"What lesson do you have next?" Pudding asked, pulling out her phone and touching her face, adjusting some makeup.

"I have maths, how about you?"

"I have history, so boring, right?"

Sanji shrugged his shoulders and sighed, pulling his bag over his shoulder and standing up.

"Hey curly, wanna walk to maths together?" Zoro asked, walking next to Sanji.

"Yeah sure," they continued to journey through the halls until they reached Sanji's math class.

"Hope you enjoy my dad teaching you for the rest of this year!" Zoro shouted as he walked away, referring to Mister Juculales (who was Sanji's math teacher).

"Yeah, yeah," Sanji said as he rolled his eyes. He looked down the corridor to see if someone he knew was there, but there was no one, no one except...That Law guy? He was walking down the hall with that 'I know I'm better than you' expression painted across his face, though it was cocky, it was hot. Sanji felt his face light up again, but quickly turned away before Law noticed him.

What is wrong with me?

To be continued...


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