12 | 📚 Insta💄

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Sanji clutched his phone in his hand, his grip tightening as he read through the comments of the post. 

Law's gunna hate me if he sees this

Sanji sighed and closed the app, turning off his phone as he did. He stood up and walked into his next lesson: Chemistry. The only lesson he had with Law.

Throughout the entire lesson, Law continued to glance and smile at him, Sanji returned the kind gestures but felt guilt somewhere in his stomach.

It's not my fault, right? Zoro was the one who fell onto me, if Law is being nice right now, that means he either hasn't seen the post, or he just doesn't mind. I'll catch him after the lesson before we go home and apologize...

And he did.

"Law!" Sanji shouted after him as they left the classroom. Law whipped his head around and waited for Sanji to catch up to him.

"Hey, what do you need?" Law asked as Sanji caught his breath.

"I just need to talk to you for a moment," Sanji said.

"Okay, you wanna go round the back?" Law asked, referring to their hangout spot behind the school.

"Yeah, that would be alright," Sanji said as they started walking.


"I just wanted to say that-,"

"I saw it," Law said. Sanji looked down in shame, knowing that Law probably didn't like what he saw.

"I-I'm really sorry," Sanji stuttered as his head hung low.

"What? Why are you sorry, I should be sorry," Law said, holding Sanji's shoulders.


"The mark, I saw it earlier this morning, I'm really sorry if you got in trouble for it," Law said.

Oh. So he thinks I'm talking about the hickey?

"N-no, that's not what I was going to say," Sanji said, looking back up to Law.

"Really? What is it then?" Law replied.

"My friend accidentally kissed me during a football match, and now it's everywhere in school social media," Sanji said, his eyes starting to water.

"*sigh*, come here," Law said. He pulled Sanji in close and stroked his hair, soothing him gently.

"Y-you're not mad?" Sanji said, his voice shaking.

"Of course not, it's not your fault that happened, is it?" Law said as he placed a soft kiss on Sanji's forehead.

"Thank you, Law," Sanji whispered into Law's chest.

"I love you, and I would forgive you for whatever you do that is deemed unrighteous," Law said, holding Sanji's chin in his hand. Law pulled Sanji closer and placed a deep kiss onto Sanji's pink lips.


GreenGorilla🤢: Hey Seen ✔️

Bumblebee🐝: Hey Seen ✔️

GreenGorilla🤢: Do you wanna hang out tonight? Seen ✔️

Bumblebee🐝: Sorry, not tonight. I'm working at my dads place. Seen ✔️

GreenGorilla🤢: Okay, it's fine. Seen ✔️


Sanji fixed his tie in his room, straightened the fabric delicately. 

"Hey kid, you coming?" Zeff shouted to him from up the stairs.

"Yeah, I'll be down in a minute!" Sanji shouted back.

"You've had a minute, get down here now!" Zeff said as he lost his patience. Sanji sighed and picked up a small bag from his bed and rushed down the stairs.

"Took you long enough," Zeff said as he rolled his eyes.

"Sorry dad," Sanji said as he bowed his head to his angry father.

"Come on, we need to get there quickly," Zeff said as Sanji put his shoes on and laced up the top. Sanji opened the door and let his dad step out, walking behind him after. 

he could have chosen any punishment, so why the hell did he choose for me to work at his shitty posh restaurant...

To be continued...

📖🌸PLAYING THE PLAYBOY🌸📖| Lawsan📚Where stories live. Discover now