13 | 🚫 Baratie 🌷

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Sanji recited the orders to his coworkers in the kitchen, they nodded and thanked him before turning around to make the food. Sanji sighed put his notepad on a counter before leaning on the wall and tilting his head up.

I wish Law were here... What? Law? The hell am I thinking about! I don't actually love him, it's just for the prank. But... he's so kind, and hot as hell... No! God I'm really falling for that guy.

"Hey brat! Get back to work!" Sanji heard someone shout from behind the kitchen, he turned around and quickly picked up his notepad and pen.

"Sorry sir!" Sanji shouted back before rushing off to take more orders from other people. Sanji walked over to a fancy looking couple that were talking happily to each other. He stopped beside them and turned to face the woman, his back facing the older looking man.

"Are you ready to order Miss?" Sanji asked, slightly bending over so he could hear her speak.

"Could I have-," As the woman continued talking, Sanji felt a hand creep up on his ass. Sanji jolted at the sudden touch, he was about to turn around and kick the man in the face, but that would have caused a scene. And Zeff would also lock him away for a month.

"-and could I also have some red wine to go with that?" The woman finished her sentence before looking back up at Sanji who had to keep his face as straight as possible as the man behind him touched his ass.

"A-and for y-you sir?" Sanji voice started to crumble as he tried to keep calm. Sanji started to feel tears well up in his eyes, but they didn't fall, they only stung. Sanji forced himself to smile at the man as he continued reading out his order, but he felt like he wanted to die.


Sanji turned his head around before Zeff pulled him away from the man's grip.

"Don't lay a finger on my son," Zeff spoke loudly, making some people in the restaurant go quiet. The man looked up at Zeff and started to panic.

"S-sir?" The man stuttered as Sanji clutched onto his father.

"You were touching my son, you dirty bastard." Zeff said, giving a dark glare to the man in front of him.

"Jeremy? Is that true?" The woman said, her eyes widening.

"N-no, I just-,"

"That's it, we're breaking up!" The woman shouted as she stood up.

"But Melissa, I-,"


The man cowered in pain from the sharp slap he had received by the woman.

"I can't believe you," She said before leaving the table and walking up to Sanji and holding his hand.

"I'm so very sorry young man, it's terrible that he did that to you, is there anyway I can be of help?" The woman said, bowing her head to Sanji. The entire restaurant was watching by now.

"No, no, I'm fine! Just please ask your partner to leave," Sanji said, ushering the woman to raise her head.

"I'm so sorry about this Sir," She said before walking over to the man and dragging him out of the restaurant by his ear.

Zeff sighed and released Sanji from his grip.

"T-thanks dad," Sanji said, turning to his father.

"It's fine, just don't let it happen again. We lost two customers because of this," Zeff replied, walking back to the kitchen.

"I-I'm sorry, father," Sanji said before getting back to work.

I'm glad you're alright kiddo...

Zeff thought to himself.

To be continued...

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