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Taehyung and Y/N were back home but this time with that child.

Y/N watched as Taehyung carefully tugged that child in his duvet and pecked his forehead before leaving that room. He joined y/n in their shared bedroom. He seemed to be so special to him and ofcourse he would be afterall he is his son.

Next morning as she climbed down the stairs she saw Taehyung  with that child on the breakfast table . Though she had many questions in her head but was waiting for Taehyung to tell her on his own.

'Is he already married? Am I his second wife and he has  two wives just like Jimin? Then why did he hide it from me! How could he do this to me. So I was wrong, he finally showed his true colours. He is just like other men of this community. He is no unique. He cheated on me after marking me because I have heard that these people accept only the marked women as their future partner. WAIT! if that rule is true then that means I am his only wife but then that means... ' She gasps
' Is that child from his lover. He must have fallen for someone while waiting for me all these years. Hmm.. That might be true'

Her heart pained at all these  thoughts but why is it even bothering her, she is going to leave him anyways so what's the need to dig into his personal life.

She grabbed a seat on breakfast  table as Taehyung greeted her. He was struggling with that child.

" Dad! This is so bad I don't want to drink it!" he whined

Whenever he said Dad it felt like as if something is stabbing her heart but she  should not feel this way this is wrong. He is Taehyung's son.

" No Taehyon you are appa's good boy right! Milk is good for your health!"

Taehyon pouts and rebels, finally after lot of struggle Taehyung manages to convince him . Just then his attention is diverted to y/n who was staring at her plate blankly.

" Y/N! Why aren't you eating . What are you thinking?"

Y/N shakes her head

" I think so  I am not feeling hungry today. "

She leaves the table as Taehyung gets concerned for her. He was about to go behind her and ask her if something is bothering her but  he urgently gets some work so he asks y/n to take care of Taehyon while he is out.

Y/N decided to stay away from that child and just keep an eye on him from far away .

Y/N was watching Taehyon with side eyes as he was busy in his wooden toys, he was struggling to construct a house with his wooden blocks. Y/N closed her eyes to calm down herself because he is just a child and moreover what is  his fault in all this .

She sighs as she approached Taehyon who was quietly building a house with wooden block.

She grabbed a seat beside him as he passed her a smile it was quite similar to Taehyung's. Her heart pained as she caressed his hair lovingly.

" Who are you angel?"

" A-Angel?"

" Yes you look like an angel!" he smiled

Y/N smiled softly caressing his cheeks

" I am married to  your dad Taehyon. I am his wife !"  she spoke proudly as her heart fluttered a little but she did not notice.

" You are my dad's wife? "he exclaimed in excitement

Y/N nods slowly

" That means my appa married an angel " he giggles.

Soon y/n got engrossed in helping him  build a house  and they started enjoying each other's company.

" This is my room,  this is dad and angel's room, this is our house where we three will live together always !" he giggled while clapping his hands
Y/N chuckled  at his cuteness.

They spend the whole day together as she cooked special tasty dishes for him. Helped him bath. Narrated him stories. Taehyon too found a new home and new friend in her.

Y/N tugged him in his duvet as she sat beside him caressing his hair while narrating him a bedtime story. Soon he falls asleep as she smiles while caressing his hair lovingly.

Taehyung arrived late and again left early in the morning . He apologized her for his ongoing busy schedule and promised to spend some quality time with her after getting over with it

It's been only two days and Y/N was already  longing to spend some time with him , she got so habituated to him. She was missing his company and him.

Taehyon was busy in playing with his toys when he noticed y/n

" Angel are  you missing dad just like I am missing him ?"

Y/N pouts as she nods slowly.

" Don't worry angel dad will come back to us soon" He smiled

Y/N goes and hugs Taehyon at his comforting words. Another habit he got from Taehyung, he was caring towards the people surrounding him just like Taehyung. Though he himself was missing Taehyung but still wanted to comfort y/n. She pecks his forehead. This girl has really fallen for this father son duo.

When they were engrossed in their talks they hear knocks. As soon as  Y/N opens the door she is engulfed in warm hugs by Rose and Petal.

Rose, Petal and Y/N were enjoying their drinks.

" Are you alright y/n. Taehyung is so much worried about you so he sent us  to talk to you." Petal started

Y/N smiled  a little  at the thought that even though he is busy he is still worried for her.

" Is something bothering you y/n?" Rose asked

" Or is it something else? " Petal wiggles her eyebrows

Y/N's eyes widens

" W-What are you talking about Petal?"

" Y/N there is no need to act innocent in front of us!" Rose spoke

" But-"

" You are sad because you are not getting to spend time with him and probably missing s e x?" Rose whispered the last word as y/n's eyes widens.

" Shut up Rose! "

she lightly smacks her arm as the girls start giggling at her flushed face

" Sorry y/n just needed to make sure because  this is the reason why we are upset from Jimin sometimes but not always ofcourse as we miss his company more !" Rose chuckled

" Though he keeps us both satisfied. I must say he has lot of stamina " Petal was going completely off the topic

" Stop! Stop this topic I don't want to know the inside story of you three "

Y/N  closed her ears as the other two giggled

" Then what is wrong y/n? "Petal asks seriously

" Though I wanted to ask Taehyung about this but he is so busy these days and i don't think so that i should hold it inside me anymore otherwise it will drive me crazy "

" Yes y/n go ahead and speak up. You can share anything with us! " Rose asks

Y/N holds one hand each of Petal and Rose.

" Please don't get me wrong. I just want to know why Taehyon calls Taehyung his dad. Is he really his child and if he is then where is his m-mom? " this question pained her heart even more than she imagined.

" Oh that!" Petal looks at Rose who nods.


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